I'm having trouble getting bots to face something, they never turn to look at anything when I set the cmd.viewangles to the angles I want. Is there something I'm missing? I'm using SteveC's CBasePlayer way of issuing a command:
PHP Code:
void CBot :: runPlayerMove()
static CUserCmd cmd;
memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
cmd.forwardmove = m_fForwardSpeed;
cmd.sidemove = m_fSideSpeed;
cmd.upmove = m_fUpSpeed;
cmd.buttons = m_iButtons;
cmd.impulse = m_iImpulse;
cmd.viewangles = m_vViewAngles;
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer*)CBaseEntity::Instance(m_pEdict);
// SteveC : CBasePlayer user command
pPlayer->ProcessUsercmds(&cmd,1,1,0,false); // SteveC
the bots move okay though, they just won't turn at all ?