The new version (V3B14c) is now available in
the filebase.
+Changed unstuck behavior - improved strafe and go back method in unstuck code. They should try to omit/obey the obstacle (or a bit go back and try again) instead jumping only
+Fixed answering to chat (bug included about V3B7c or a bit before - some order of code execution was changed by me and I didn't notice it's no longer executed)
+Added 2 new commands (exactly old command with new arguments) for waypointers:
pb wp teleport use - teleports the waypointer to the next waypoint with the falg USE_BUTTON
pb wp teleport camp - teleports the waypointer to the next waypoint with the falg USE_BUTTON
These commands are usefull if You are trying to fix old PB2.5 waypoint with old method of camp usage (with pb mm the old camp waypoint is causing to look the bot in some strange direction) and also with USE_BUTTON (old PB2.5 was placing that flag on every WP existing near some func_button - it may cause sometimes stupid behavior of pb mm bots if they have nothing to "use", but there is placed that flag).
The old "pb wp teleport wp_nr" is still working like before.
+Changed nades throwing - bots should aim better the position they want to throw the nade (the old calculation of the place the bot should look at during nade throwing was a bit strange).
+Fixed pb_debuggoal - it should work now everytime (before I noticed few situations they didn't want to go the WP I was requesting them to go)
+Changed the execution of the task FOLLOW_USER - bots should follow the user this way - they should take some random WP near their user
(but connected to the closest one to the user). If they are somewhere near their user, they should look at him (except if there is some enemy near by) and they should better unstuck if they are close to them-selves (to make a room to go).
+Changed - if the bot cannot reach its waypoint in some certain time it should reach it (or bot was doing some unwaypointed movement), during finding the WP near by it checks also the previous WPs and the current WP (for some reason before it wasn't so) and it checks if the new WP isn't in some danger (to fall down) area.
+Fixed button code - bots shouldn't stay anymore near some button and look infinitely at it.
+Changed button code - if there is a USE_BUTTON flag - they randomly decide to push or not the button (after first time noticing the WP with that flag; next vistit this WP -> new decision about pushing).
+Changed - the autokill function - if it's on and if the bomb is planted and there is no more alive human-players - the auto kill doesn't kill bots in this situation.
During few days I should also update the All-In-One - with AMX X 1.75a and newest pb mm beta.