Heh, forgot to mention the part for ya pmb.. but I think it's the 2nd round of that demo, n' I run to tunnels n' after a flash I whup a few bots, another bot pops out from behind the crates n' tries to run by me, as if I wasn't there.. I diddn't shoot him cause I ran outta ammo n' had to switch to pistol.
But yeah, PMB? does your bot take over the firing? cause I notice the bot seems to start to fire off before he even centers his aim at other bots. I havn't seen a prob with it aiming too high.. but then again I tinkered with the aiming cvars.. your deviation_y is set to 60.0 by default.. that's a pretty high number so I cranked mine down to aboot 20.0-30.0 I think.. so I suggest to others to just lower this setting. I think it's:
botaim_deviation_y "put number here"
Hmm, I just read the readme, and it states this's only for when not aiming at someone, but still give it a shot.
Err.. I always though Y was the vertical.. and I wrong? cause in the readme it says X is the vertical.