Originally Posted by Freakz
I got one question. Why the bots aren't affected by flashbangs?
How many times did You try to blind them before considering it doesn't work? I may promise - I was using flashbangs against them about 2 weeks ago and it was working. If it really doesn't work anymore in newest version I'm surprised, because that code wasn't changed at all.
Originally Posted by sacripan
Ok, try to translate yourself.
OK - Connor helped me with that.
Originally Posted by sacripan
Désolé mais je suis français et obligé d'utiliser un programme de traduction.Il y a de nombreuses langues à travers le monde.
Je suis polonais mais je peut utiliser l'anglais.
Originally Posted by sacripan
D'ailleur, y aurait'il la possibilité de changer le language des menus Podbot ?
(peut être dans un fichier txt optionnel)
The idea for multilingual podbot should be posted in "Idea" sub-forum. Anyway - I'm not going yet to consider it in any next releases. As I stated somewhere at this forum - I'm focusing now on bug-fixing only (because of lack of time), so no new features will be added for a while.
Originally Posted by sacripan
Je demandais si par un plugin AMX ou AMXX, on pourrait faire visualiser aux humains les chemins entre les points de passage et indiquer par où aller à l'objetif le plus proche. Ce pourrait être utile aux joueurs ne connaissant pas la carte. Une fonction qui pourrait s'acheter.
If I understood it correctly - You want me to "make the possibility to see the closest path to the objective (i.e. bomb, hostage etc) and that would be possible to buy by the player (from his CS game money). That should be for those they are new for the map (they don't know yet where to go)." But how is this related to podbot mm? Bot code is not written like AMX / AMX X - You should have to ask at AMX X forum for that kind of plugin. Bot's code focuses on bots AI (so it is behaving human-like best as possible).
Originally Posted by sacripan
Est-il possible de faire visualiser aux vrais joueurs, le chemin qu'utiliserait les bots pour y aller?
Peut-on visualiser par plugin AMX le trait qui devendrait une flèche pour indiquer vers où aller ?
You have to know one thing - once the bot reaches a certain WP from many of them they belong to the certain path, the info about the previous WPs is forgotten. So only at the beginning - when the path is calculated for the bot - there is all info about all waypoints they belong to the ceratin path. Once the bot reaches some WP from his path - that WP is removed from "the path to go". SO there is no possibility to see (post factum) where the bot came from. Another thing - that info is stored only in bot memory used by CS, so AMX/AMX X cannot know any info from that memory - so they cannot do it for You. Sorry.
Originally Posted by sacripan
Bug sur les sauts
Impossible d'arriver à un point par un saut et d'en repartir par un saut dans les deux sens. Il y en a toujours des sauts qui disparaissent.
Une solution consiste à utiliser 2 wayoints très prochez avec les problèmes que cela provoquent.
Est ce que celà pourrait être amélioré ?
If You are creating a jump connection between 2 waypoints, then You are trying to jump back and the previous jump connection disappears - then there is a bug. If there are just some path connections not related to any jump, but You had put them manually - and they disappeared, I have to see an example as 2 jpg files. One before jump, second after jump - to see what and why it happens.
BTW - maybe try to use this translator instead google: