As long as i had control about the information and the accesabillity.
The biggest problem with the chip is imo unautherized scanning (or autherized for that sake) because it removes privacy, but if i had the abillity to toggle it on/off when i wanted to, then i can't see any reason why privacy should be any problem at all.
I mean, i carry cards and stuff everywhere anyway...
but i know the specific chip they talked about wasn't powered, so the toggle on/off stuff probably isn't possible in that one... dunno.
A greyscale with just one color? Heaven must surely be a dull place.
This calls for an extraordinary mix of psychology and extreme violence!
i'd never get one, even when 'they' say that you have 100% control over the information that is stored in it. I am not trusting everybody that easily... And also, i dont like the fact that people know where i am all the time. People always want to know everything, sheesh