remember Stefan, it's just a toe.. if they mess up n' it needs to come off you still got 9 other toes.
Comforting though eh? lol, but yeah, odds of them needing to chop off the whole toe is none. It's not that bad man to have a messed up toe... the only part that sucks if it won't heal goddamit.. damn you toe... I oughta just dip you in hydrogen perroxide for hours...
Later-a-much, and LONG LIVE THE D!,
(Link>>>MarD's Moddin' Site<<<Link) MarD
chop off?.. when havent the odds been wrong?.. you never know what the doctor will do. heard about someone who was going to get some organ operated out.. they took the wrong one..
Well, I know, for experience, that there is a test to know if the doctor is good. Ask him about Hyppocrates (spelling?). If he doesn't know who he is, GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE!