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Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6
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Default Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6 - 12-02-2004

My goodness,it seems I've struck a nerve.
In reply to memed;
i won't comment this, but eh it's political and you sound like voting for some guy pretending god send him on a miss...
Then what do you call your post?

FreeBSD ain't no open software, you know that don't you ?
Then what is it? I got a copy of 5.1 for free.It's constantly being improved by varios contributors;Looks like open source to me.

my kernel does not have that code
What mystery Krenel are you running?

Oh and for whinedoze having cert's, they must have removed IE and installed Netscape/Mozilla! *ggggg
Not exactly,but the current veraion is IE6.You cana upgrade for free easily if you have the bandwidth.

In reply to Terran;
Memed posted

will there ever be a chance for a linux version ?

Botmeister,the thread starter posted:
Linux ... Linux ... Linux ...

I got a box ready to go just collecting dust for moths now, is today the day I finally fire it up and bang my head on it?
How Dare you posted:
YES!! Been waiting for over a year for the linux version
Memed posted again with:
i also wait for Stefan to get realbot riding the penguin
And then you posted:
When can we expect the linux version? Those features sounds very interessting and I would love to have them running on my linux server :-)
And your reply to my post was:
Your post is IMHO ways off topicThis forum is about bots, not about operating systems.
Actually The title of this thread concerns the mEAnbotmod,not any particular bot.
And currently all bots here are designed to work along with the HL engine which itself is natively available for windows and linux but not for *BSD.
So in your opinion,with the release of Linux mEAnbotmod ,which will be fully compatible with the Linux HLDS,the Linux user will be able to run all bots written for the HL engine?

Btw: the copyright issue has to be clarified by the courts not by us
And when the courts do clarify the copyright issue where will you be concerning the outcome?
The question was:
Anybody else know what "no end user Indemnity" means?
By reasonable deduction I can conclude your answer is "no not me".

In reply to PMB:
Don't start a flamewar and keep discussions on topic as much as possible
What was the topic,in your opinion?

Please share only those which are relevant to this forum, and don't flame people
Is O/S compatibility,stability,security in relation to current versions of mEAnbotmod and the majority of bots written for the purpose of running dedicated servers for any game engine "relevant"? And who in your opinion,have I flamed?

Qazme was not necessarily supposed to know that there existed a Scrap Iron podbot server 2 years ago.
But you and Botmeister alluded to the fact in another forum of which I clarified in detail accordingly.You can reference his reply.

Besides, if you are not a programmer you have strictly no authority to debate whether GNU/Linux did "plagerize" the AT&T UNIX or not.
I'm currently working on an MCSD whether you like it or not and it doesn't take any "authority" to deduct that linux is a direct derivative of Unix which is 1 of the first things you learn about in the course of acquiring multiple MS certifications.

If you read the facts you'll see that Linux, which is just a KERNEL, not a system, was developed by Mr Torvalds out of Minix as a CHEAP alternative to UNIX for PCs based on the Intel architecture.
I think you've thouroughly demonstrated the limits of your expertise with that statement.

And additionally, if you start hyping here the latest Microsoft OSes for their so-said security, some people here will gently remind you that Microsoft DID, indeed, plagerize the BSD network layer to put it in its once praised Win2k/XP. Plagerize ? wait, RIP OFF.
I would enjoy your qualification of that statement. I highly doubt you have a linux ported version of whatever remnant of a bot you currently have written or ever will.And we both know it's not a lack of hardare that's holding you back{Could it be a chemical dependency?,,,,and I don't mean Perl,Python,Java,etc.}.

And finally, as Terran says, the Half-Life engine supports 2 platforms: Windows and Linux. Go and look up the proportion of trustable HL servers on the net that run Linux, and the proportion that run Windows
And how many of those servers are running any bot currently?{Your not going to bore me with any PLbot references are you?} Is it possible that there are more Windows bot servers than there ever will be Linux bot servers? Thank you both for pointing that out.What did you say this forum was about?

You've always had a problem interpreting context when it comes to English and I see this hasn't changed. For those of us who put our money where our mouth is in any effort have a tendency to see a little further ahead down the perverbial road.The choice of O/S is indeed a critical one in that the building of a network is what you do with it and can entail a great expense regardless of the kernel in question. And if a Federal court determines that a copyright has been infringed after we have build a network around the kernel in question,which is highly likely on this side of the planet,the end user > that's me < gets to start all over at my exspense.I don't expect you to fathom all the financial aspects of such a scenario but there may be someone else that is dedicated enough to get themselves into such a situation from a strictly entrepeneurial circumstance which would be devastating because we can't afford to turn free computers off and walk away with the attitude the "Americans are stupid,Osama Bin laden and Saddam Hussein are my heros ,and Microsoft sucks".
The intent of my response to Botmeister's thread was to submit the facts as I see them in relation to time/money spent in the furtherment of the project at hand.I feel safe in assuming that he appreciates my input as he has since we first met.If it wasn't for either the stupidity ,or intentional malviolence towards 3rd party AI applications,of the programmers at Valve my/his Bot server array would still be going strong.Strong as in stronger than any other collection of botservers ever assembled.And while we're at it,you can rest assured that he has done more for the entire concept of AI gaming ,to include debugging and maximizing the performance of all other applications that he could get his hands on in the process than everyone else's efforts collective or otherwise in my real world experience not my opinion.I apologize for making anyone else feel insecure about their inability to comprehend the performance levels he/we have already achieved.
Those are the facts as I see them and you have just received the respect that is due you.
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Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6
Onno Kreuzinger
aka: memed / Server Admin
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Default Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6 - 12-02-2004

omg, you must have been nuking the server with that post :-)

cool down re-read you post and edit what is wrong, then i will answer by PM.
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Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6
Pierre-Marie Baty
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Default Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6 - 12-02-2004

Originally Posted by Infidel
I highly doubt you have a linux ported version of whatever remnant of a bot you currently have written or ever will.And we both know it's not a lack of hardare that's holding you back{Could it be a chemical dependency?,,,,and I don't mean Perl,Python,Java,etc.}.
Sure, I smoke shit, I live on cocaine, I also take two liters of bourbon straight each breakfast, and half a dozen pills of LSD at noon. I have posters of Saddam and Osama in my bedroom and the Quran is my bed book. Right ? That's what you think ? Look around, I'm sure you will find many people here who share this opinion about me. I don't fancy to see that yours has not changed since the last emails we exchanged during the political argument which ended our relationship, argument that YOU brought up.

It's not the lack of hardware, indeed. Are you still at Fort Worth ? Now that I have a few resources I can afford to put an end to this debt. Send me a PM with your postal address, what is written on the shipment boxes here is unreadable.

BTW, according to the FBRC, further personal disputes shall be sent to private discussions, or preferally off the board.

As for the rest of the argument,
What was the topic,in your opinion?
Perhaps that people were requesting that the mEAn mod be ported to Linux ? I see no "is Linux a good OS" involved here.

And who in your opinion,have I flamed?
You scorned for qazme, letting hear that he was unable to come up with a bot server even worth a look compared to your Scrap Iron server 2 years ago. English is not my native language, so if I understood it wrong I apologize. Your post, still, was not an encouragment at all - our FBRC considers we must welcome newcomers warmly and provide them with as much assistance and encouragment as possible. Your post was not and encouragement to qazme, or I got it completely wrong.

But you and Botmeister alluded to the fact in another forum of which I clarified in detail accordingly.You can reference his reply.
Yes, AFTER he told us his bot server was named "Scr@pIron". Hence qazme was NOT supposed to know that a Scrap Iron server existed 2 years ago when he CHOOSED to name his own Scr@pIron.

I'm currently working on an MCSD whether you like it or not and it doesn't take any "authority" to deduct that linux is a direct derivative of Unix which is 1 of the first things you learn about in the course of acquiring multiple MS certifications.
It doesn't surprise me that during your MICROSOFT certification course you're taught that Linux is a DERIVATIVE of Unix, but whatever, this is wrong. Sorry. Linux is not a DERIVATIVE of Unix, it is an UNIX-like operating system. Nuance. And as long as YOU won't come and show us ONE LINE of copyrighted UNIX code that we can look up in the Linux kernel, you have no authority to say that. Neither have I. Only Mr Torvalds, who wrote Linux, and a justice court, have authority. NOT US. I'm sorry but I have to refute your point.

I think you've thouroughly demonstrated the limits of your expertise with that statement.
"based off". English language pitfall, maybe. I apologize. I meant that Linus Torvalds originally wrote Linux with Minix as reference. And you can't refute this, these are facts. However I'd be interested to know the limits of a MS-certificated admin's expertise on this domain.

I would enjoy your qualification of that statement.
Here you are. Just mount a Windows hard disk on an Unix box, and issue this command at the UNIX shell:
#  rgrep -r -l "The Regents of the University of California" /windows-mount-point
As you see it's not "my expertise", it's binarily factual. 0 and 1s. And you can't change this. Oh... sorry. I realize I am refuting a lot of things of what you said.

And how many of those servers are running any bot currently?{Your not going to bore me with any PLbot references are you?} Is it possible that there are more Windows bot servers than there ever will be Linux bot servers? Thank you both for pointing that out.What did you say this forum was about?
Now you wonder why there is so much bot servers running Windows ? Well, perhaps because there are not that much bot coders developing under Linux. Bot coders are gamers, too. Already thought of that ?

I hope my reply was not too aggressive, but there are some disgruntled rants who pop up here and there without much to back them up that I can't stand. Calm down, Hacksmith, take a breathe of fresh air and let's work in a cooperative way at least. Finally. I'm fed up with these childish arguments.

RACC home - Bots-United: beer, babies & bots (especially the latter)
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Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6
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Default Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6 - 12-02-2004

Originally Posted by Infidel
And your reply to my post was: Quote:
Your post is IMHO ways off topicThis forum is about bots, not about operating systems.

Actually The title of this thread concerns the mEAnbotmod,not any particular bot.
Well, at least it wasn't about "linux is better/worse than windows". And with the term "forum" I meant "http://forums.bots-united.com" not just this particular.

Originally Posted by Infidel
So in your opinion,with the release of Linux mEAnbotmod ,which will be fully compatible with the Linux HLDS,the Linux user will be able to run all bots written for the HL engine?
No, I never did. As I understood mEAnbotmod adds features to already working bots. And I would love to have those features. That's it. And the coder of this mod stated that there will be a linux version he just didn't say when it will be available. Therefore I tried to motivate him so that he sees there is at least someone who would enjoy a linux version.

Originally Posted by Infidel
And how many of those servers are running any bot currently?{Your not going to bore me with any PLbot references are you?} Is it possible that there are more Windows bot servers than there ever will be Linux bot servers? Thank you both for pointing that out.What did you say this forum was about?
I don't know any number but surely there will be much more bot servers running with windows than with linux TODAY(and we all know why). But as you might have missed today there is more than just plbot (which btw. doesn't work with CS1.6). I'm currently using joebot, used realbot before the last steam update, tested podbot and the legendary hpb_bot - all of them at my linux server...
I enjoy playing with all those different bots and I try to understand the technics which they use. I made some minor fixes to some bot sourcecode I got my hands on and made them compile and run at my linux box. It isn't that difficult once you know what is different between the both platforms...

Last edited by Terran; 12-02-2004 at 18:21..
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Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6
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Default Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6 - 12-02-2004

HOLY SHIT! What are we arguing about, Linux vs Windows, or are we opening up some deep wounds here?

As moderator of this forum, I ask that you all please take personal fights to PM and off the public board. Thanks.


Maker of the (mEAn) Bot.Admin Manager

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is." - Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut
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Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6
Onno Kreuzinger
aka: memed / Server Admin
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Default Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6 - 12-02-2004

Hi Terran,
you answerd to quotes he made to me (looked atleast like), but anyways, like PMB said, this is allready offending the rules (yes PMB and me too). Please consider talking via PM. I know it's hard, we haven't had such flamewar here since starting, but it's more important to stop it than convincing anybody with anything.

Cheers memed

Last edited by Onno Kreuzinger; 12-02-2004 at 18:37..
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Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6
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Default Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6 - 12-02-2004


I'm sorry if I offended anyone and appologize.

Last edited by Terran; 12-02-2004 at 19:02..
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Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6
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Default Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6 - 13-02-2004

Hey botmeister... would it be possible for you to release a version (maybe with your next official release) that is for bots managing only without all the complicated admin/clan/or sound features?
Just simple without all the extras?


Last edited by Fooska; 13-02-2004 at 00:01..
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Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6
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Default Re: Beta 5.50.11 released for CS 1.5 & 1.6 - 18-02-2004

Originally Posted by Fooska
Hey botmeister... would it be possible for you to release a version (maybe with your next official release) that is for bots managing only without all the complicated admin/clan/or sound features?
Just simple without all the extras?

That would be hard to do because of the way the mod was built. I'll think about what you are suggesting anyway.

You do not need to use the sounds, and clan features, which can all be disabled. You probably will need some of the admin features, at least to gain access to the bot control commands.

Maker of the (mEAn) Bot.Admin Manager

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is." - Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut
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