The link of Waypoints page is still broken even if thsi poll was validated almost 2 years ago and it should be re-directed at cfe.games.
Any chance to finally do it?
well this isn't against Ancient, but I think the downloads of cracked proprietary software (like the Zend Studio) should be removed there before do the redirection...
Actually not really. Not that i do not like the idea of a waypoint site, but linking outside BU is kind of odd for Bots-United. We have the space, we have our own sub-domains, so why use an external source?
If CFEGames ever stops, while BU is alive, we'll have a broken and lost source of waypoints.
I'd say, get the waypoint site to our domain instead
Well, thats true. It does take alot of effort to keep a website. I can't guarentee that CFEGames will be up forever, however, if it won't, I'll be glad to send you all the data you require if you wish. There are currently 5 GB of data at CFEGames. I can tell you now, that CFEGames won't go down for the next 6 months - a year. If it is manditory, I suppose I could retain the standalone status according to your wishes.
[Web Designer][Waypointer][Gamer]
CFE Games Administrator [CFE]Games.com
[Never Trust the Untrusted]
Meh. You guys figure this out I really dont mind either way. Im happy with this arrangement, but ill do whatever is necessary for any other soultion that meets the public optinion.