I've been hearing from a lot of people, and its a pretty dead heat - half want ET, and half want RtCW. 9_9
So much for that clear majority I was looking for!
I really want to make a bot for ET, and I have decided I probably will, AFTER I finish Fritz for RtCW.
I was REALLY going thru the ET source over the last few days, and was seeing how everything works - its a lot like wolf, but the gameplay is a LOT more complex than it seems at first glance, and it made me realize that Fritz is nowhere near being done enough to start taking on the the workload of supporting ET.
Yet, everything I've made for Fritz so far, and will make in the future, will port across to ET easily with no problems when Fritz IS done. ET is RtCW with some added features - EVERYTHING that works in RtCW will work in ET. The only task will be supporting the ET specific class/obj/weapon stuff.
I can wait for Fritz:ET..... for now, its finishing up Fritz for RtCW, and at least getting the official maps supported, thats going to be my focus.
Once thats complete.... who knows!