Anywho, let's get back ontopic shall me?
I suggest you check the filebase, all the bots hea are great ones. I'm sure there isin't a lack of waypoints for any of them either.
We have a lot of PODbot format waypointers (myself included) so if you need waypoints? no need to make them really, just search n' see if we have already, and if not just ask us to whip you up some waypoints.
SF has made a huge PODbot 2.5 waypoint set of over 2500 waypoints. He's also made a lot of PODbot mm waypoints with bio n' twrecks.
So good PODbot-based bots are: PODbot mm, E[POD]bot, and YAPB. IvpBot is sadly discontinued.
JoeBot (made by asp) was pretty good last time I remembered. I dunno if asp updates it anymore, all I remeber is he was working on Joebot Xp.. anywho, how goes jxp asp?
Oh, and just remember, just because a bot's no longer updated don't mean it's not good. Just like old skool games.