Everything seems fine, but the yapb_quota thing is kind of confusing at first, I added like 17 addbot's at the end of the cfg file..
The bot's skill I set them at 60 - 70 and it seems like 2 or 3 shots and your dead, these bot's are alot harder than podbot mm.
The aim is deadly accurate.
I like it
Everything works well, it's just the bot's take forever for all of them to join the server.
I use listenserver.
Seems like old pb 2.6, like nothing has been changed just few commands and verion sayings and thats it
It was frustrating to edit the liblist.gam because the attributes were changed to read-only.
I see that there are 2 dll's, 1 PODBot.dll and other yapb.dll, which one should be directed to by metamod plugins.ini?