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JoeBot Furious mechs by @$3.1415rin Counter-Strike

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Re: @$3.1415rin's interview
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Default Re: @$3.1415rin's interview - 11-01-2004

I used Google's "language tools". The url translation did not work, but the copy/paste to the translation box did work (well sort of )

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Re: @$3.1415rin's interview
Pierre-Marie Baty
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Default Re: @$3.1415rin's interview - 11-01-2004

...awful!!! I get headaches trying to figure out what every single sentence may mean! o_O

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Re: @$3.1415rin's interview
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Default Re: @$3.1415rin's interview - 11-01-2004

Yes... even worse from german to french... but the botmeister's post is better than nothing...
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Re: @$3.1415rin's interview
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Default Re: @$3.1415rin's interview - 11-01-2004

Yeah, I always laugh at those silly news reports about how computers can speak and understand human language, ect.

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Re: @$3.1415rin's interview
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Default Re: @$3.1415rin's interview - 11-01-2004

lol, as i already discussed with pm: a computer translating? will probably never work 100%

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Re: @$3.1415rin's interview
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Default Re: @$3.1415rin's interview - 11-01-2004

maybe I'm gonna improve that translation ... depends on hoch much free time I'll have today

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Re: @$3.1415rin's interview
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Default Re: @$3.1415rin's interview - 11-01-2004

Originally Posted by @$3.1415rin
maybe I'm gonna improve that translation ...
LOL that should not be hard to do

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"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is." - Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut
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Re: @$3.1415rin's interview
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Default Re: @$3.1415rin's interview - 16-01-2004

Originally Posted by botmeister
I tried Google's web page translation but it does nothing at all leaving the page in its original form. Here's the text copy/paste translation: (note: anyone with edit permissions feel free to fix up any mistakes you see in this post )

Interview interview with Johannes Lampel, the programmer of the Joebot mymTw|ovi - 05,01,2004 22:20 - 111 comments - 3323 Views

mymTw|ovi: Hello Johannes, presents you to the readers please.

@$3.1415rin: Hello Christoph. Mad question, think of, sowas love I... as was again the question?! Naja of ok, I is Johannes Lampel, the programmer of the JoeBOT for Counter Strike (http://www.joebot.net). I live for the moment still in the proximity of Kiel, however shortly probably 800km direction the south will pull around physics to study.

mymTw|ovi: What otherwise in such a way do you make apart from programming a CS Bots in your spare time? (you play CS?)

@$3.1415rin: Programs has meanwhile any longer highest priority did not offer, but I program still actually daily even if not everything absolutely directly which with offered too do have. Momentarily I work straight on a picture compression program, be based on vector quantization and/or Self Organizing map (SOM), am completely merrily for which one different kinds of neural nets everywhere to begin can... And otherwise... to end of September I am civil service-carrying out, I work in an old and a nursing home in the care, where I wanted before never, but have I rather problems there again to stop now, bring meanwhile correctly fun, despite many stress and some situations, in which one rausgelaufen nevertheless perhaps rather simply would be, but if one is in so a situation thinks one not many more drueber, that is also humans and wants to be also again clean. I would make that for in any case again, if I stood still times before the decision. Other hobbies - I jogge if I freely have so to the 70km, if I often also only 30km per week must work. Then jongliere I still now and then and reads all possible one, primarily books direction AI, neural nets, Mathe... in addition, times "Belletristik" (rarely, but occurs). To the winter semester I will begin physics with nebenfach
mymTw|ovi: How did you come to it, one did offer for CS to program?

@$3.1415rin: I had sometime lent a book concerning neural nets in the library. But since such the book trimmed on generally comprehensibleness was, it was interesting, but simply the mathematical background was missing to stop. That I then in form of other books quite fast procured yourself, even if my Mathekenntnisse at that time in the 10. Class not yet for everything were sufficient... To Naja, then a simulator for neural nets wrote and so small test nets trained. It was however not real satisfying the whole why I was on the search for a more complex simulation environment. I had written a football simulator, but every time one had to extend the AI, one had to develop first times the simulation further, which often cost then more time than AI programming. From therefore it I searched "manufacture" environment, and there straight came quite with botmans (http://www.planethalflife.com/botman) Template. At that time I had still no InterNet entrance, from therefore had I first most errors in the Template still to look for and could not not simply in the forum to look, but that probably hardly harmed me: -) Naja, and sometime was offered then so far that I could insert one use the combat function. Why I selected CS: I was at the time always times again on LANs, could however at home naturally no CS play. In addition I did not mean on any LAN times, thus one offered to write might be so difficult...

mymTw|ovi: How long are you occupied already with Bots and your project?

@$3.1415rin: My version log of the old JoeBOT says to me: "JoeBot version alpha -10000 - Oct. 20 2000 0:56 "... that was supposed the first executable and stable JoeBOT.... ohje, which is already 3 years those that ago is... In the first year I very much programmed, by which success (200 Downloads, wow) was one naturally again more motivated, in addition the other Bots also were developed further, were often not times much better than the JoeBOT. To summers 2001 was it probably like that that I had normally programmed next day from in the evening around 8 until at night around 2... and then again into the school. There one longed oneself then already times for holidays, then one had a time-consuming occupation less - although one must mention that 11. Class in SH at least in my case rather a joke was, which was 12. already more stressiger, but I had not dead-worked:-p in the summer 2002 gab?s then an offering developer meeting in Amsterdam, podbot with COUNT Floyd of, killaruna of parabot, Stefan and Tub of material here, William (Cgf ai), Pierre of RACC. By this intensive idea exchange and the view of other Bots (above all the Parabot me then it became rather fast clear that I cannot realize many things with the ' old ' JoeBOT. Therefore this still another little was combed and is meanwhile open SOURCE (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/joebot). I have then with a new offered, that for the time being "JoeBOT XP" mentioned, begun. That is not as "abnormally" as some parts of the old programmed, I also much experiences in the 2 years gained, is modular, more flexibly, from the beginning direction Modunabhaengigkeit, partly also engine independence programmed.

mymTw|ovi: Was there a success considerable for you, which you with yours offered reached?

@$3.1415rin: 28000 Downloads during one week after release are not badly... however otherwise, success?! One learned much over the time, what is important. Bspw. that the final user interests it quite little, as carefully something is modelled. Simple zitteriges Aiming on basis of random numbers is mostly sufficient, sees podbot. That we placed the meeting in Amsterdam on the legs are think I times largest success. one was spassig much learned, what one wants more. Times see whether we that again get. And I brought the documentation of the Bots into my Abitur with. I received in each case 15 points for the text and the colloquium. That did not change my Abischnitt, but a success is it nevertheless. One can find the text on http://www.lampel.net/johannes/bll137.html. mymTw|ovi: Did you ever receive a financial remuneration for your expenditure of time?

@$3.1415rin: Of whom? The server places thank-worth-proves new facts ready, in addition, otherwise that costs more than it brings in (it brings in nothing).

mymTw|ovi: Can you call the readers (or several) basic/reasons, yours (old and new) offered to use?

@$3.1415rin: The new gibt?s yet outside of my non removable disk, from therefore to the old did not offer: I think that the JoeBOT is podbot around some ' more humaner ' than for example. Aiming is liquid, it shoots not so penetrant by walls (they make also, but only under certain conditions), which are navigation according to my opinion more differentiated than with other Bots, although it some the Bots over Waypointfiles naturally also loves offering user to manipulate, which does not function then any longer so well. The JoeBOT can deal with simple buttons around a door to open (the elevator into cs_siege is however still a Mysterium). And the processor load is clearly smaller than with ' competition products '... Self praise stinks, I believes I stops times: -)

mymTw|ovi: What do you hold of the fact that there are advancements of the Podbot? (see www.poxbot.de and http://epod bot.net.tc) do you regard this Bots as competition to the Joebot or do exist soetwas like "competition" among you to programmers not?

@$3.1415rin: I do not program meanwhile somehow no more for the Noobs there outside the nothing different one make than their demands unfriendly in enamels for me to come leave (exceptions to confirm the rule). I program mean offered now first times in such a way that I of it also somehow which has, which learns. Naturally is also offered to rauskommen, the fun makes. In the old JoeBOT I have rather for a long time then only try the users contently to place, which naturally resulted to competition among the offering programmers in thousand Hacks and careless solutions (sometimes I did not know it however also better)... sometimes has I the impression that many Gamer believed that, if one would leave us one on the other loose offering programmers times in the correct life we became mutually zerfleischen. But that is not like that. If one has problems, one sends also code fragments to another, describes also times simply only so its new mod independent ' InterestingEntity ' - system, or the like. With a programming of the Bots specified above I do not have now to so much to do, rather with the ' old '. That is perhaps also in individual cases because of the different knowledge conditions, already is amusing it, if an offering author asks on nukebox like one the next waypoint to a certain place finds... however everyone begins small. If one through-looks times botman's forum, then one will also state that everyone is not alone left there with its problems. One must look bspw. only times like many A * implementations one finds there...

mymTw|ovi: Is it worthwhile itself at all still to work on a hobby project where the version 1.6 of CS with own offering support is located in the starting holes?

@$3.1415rin: As said, meanwhile I program offered rather for me, less for final users. In addition none said that I write only Bots for Counter Strike.

mymTw|ovi: Did it make fun on the whole for you to work on the JoeBOT?

@$3.1415rin: Yes, fun made, even if I must say afterwards that I should have set certain priorities differently. With it I do not mean the school now...

mymTw|ovi: When can we expect further release of your Bots?

@$3.1415rin: No notion, I must first times now look like all this keeps running, removal, study, etc.. And then I also still participate in a larger project for HL2. There I will be able to reuse much of the new JoeBOT, times see like much time I will altogether have.

mymTw|ovi: The best offered for Counter Strike is momentary...?

@$3.1415rin: I am there momentarily not up to date, for a long time no more CS against other Bots except the JoeBOT XP played. One month ago times again against the old JoeBOT, was surprised as well nevertheless otherwise hardly is, but. 38,5 grants - 5.5 days/week are nevertheless which other one than school.

mymTw|ovi: Do you play in a clan?

@$3.1415rin: Noe, have for sowas also not the suitable InterNet connection.

mymTw|ovi: Your (E) favourite -..

@$3.1415rin: (that is nearly as madly as introduces itself)

mymTw|ovi: ... computer game?

@$3.1415rin: Max Payne, Deus ex, Anno1?0? were not bad...

mymTw|ovi: ... beverage?

@$3.1415rin: alcoholically or not-alcoholically?!

mymTw|ovi: ... actress?

@$3.1415rin: Good question, I have always no notion like the people are called...

mymTw|ovi: ... InterNet side?

@$3.1415rin: Often are on http://spiegel.de, http://www.joebot.de, http://www.gamasutra.com, http://(nehe.)gamedev.net...

mymTw|ovi: ... song?

@$3.1415rin: There gibt?s many, believe ' I

mymTw|ovi: ... film?

@$3.1415rin: Good films somehow... nunja, the last years white I there none more..... at least with the large films in the cinema participated nothing great. "in July" somehow, "matrix" (only first parts... that knew I even times on English by heart, thus could one well Mitzuschauer nerves) is not bad, kA.

mymTw|ovi: Would you like to greet someone?

@$3.1415rin: all me know * g * aehja, whom I would like to greet... Note: The InterNet side of the Joebot is meanwhile under the address joebot.bots united.org. The project Bots United covers several offer Pages, a common forum and might the point of approach in things AI become. For offering user an attendance is obligation!
too much to read >

Spamming RB Forums Since August 2001.
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