New beta update -
+Added invisibility check, soif the player is invisible, the bot cannot see him (at least until invisible player is starting to shoot at him - then - he can see the fire from his gun, so he is trying to answer with fireing at that direction).
+Added affecting by darkness (thanks to PMB and his RACC code) - same like above - if in dark room the enemy is starting to fire at the bot, so he can see the fire from the enemy's gun - then the bot is fireing at that direction, too.
+Expressed the pb_detailnames cvar meaning (0 - no skill and no [POD] prefix, 1 - skill as sufix and [POD], [P*D] and [P0D] prefixes added to the name; 2 - only the prefix is added to the name (no skill as the sufix added); 3 - only the skill sufix is added (no [POD] tags added).
+Added pb_maxcamptime cvar (default 30) - the maximum time You allow the bot camping in one place - after that time it has to go to another place.
+Fixed problem with reloading the weapon at the round start.
+Added - if the bot has less money than 900, sometimes they will try to save the money by not buying any weapon (only ammo and other stuff).
+Changed - reverted back - the bot is taking care about the closest sound instead of the most loud one.
+Fixed - if there is no enemy nearby and the bot is going to pass the door, the bot is facing the door to open them in the right direction.
+Fixed - when the bot is turned into the chicken (ChickenMod), it is now able to pickup hostages and defuse the bomb.
Please test and write some Your thoughts / observations.