Did some work on Opposing Force Capture Point support today - bit of a pain as there's no easy way to see who a capture point actually belongs to, if anyone, as far as I can see. pev->skin looks like it store the team owner but it doesn't.
Looks like I'll have to get all capture points and see whether the func_wall they activate when captured is visible or not... which kind of sucks.
Huh? What func_wall? I was often making a map for Opposing Force CTF with Valve Hammer Editor, and I never used it. I mean, what usefulness of it? All you have to do is placing an entity called "item_ctfbase" and it has default models called "civ_stand.mdl" (for Black Mesa team) or you can rename it to "mil_stand.mdl" (for Opposing Force team). Don't forget to place entity called "item_ctfflag" inside the base for each team. So you don't need func_wall at all.
Huh? What func_wall? I was often making a map for Opposing Force CTF with Valve Hammer Editor, and I never used it. I mean, what usefulness of it? All you have to do is placing an entity called "item_ctfbase" and it has default models called "civ_stand.mdl" (for Black Mesa team) or you can rename it to "mil_stand.mdl" (for Opposing Force team). Don't forget to place entity called "item_ctfflag" inside the base for each team. So you don't need func_wall at all.
Opposing Force Capture Point is different to Opposing Force Capture The Flag - it has two trigger_ctfgeneric entities that trigger the visibility of func_wall entities.
Originally Posted by Roberto
It's hard to make bots do anything well other than DM but keep trying, tschumann! 'Cause most often the most fun modes to play are not deathmatch.