yea we already know that..
just try de_prodigy..
crashes pretty fast..
sometimes right when one bot joins..
I have finally narrowed the bug down to one piece of code
// find a reachable target button
while (!FNullEnt (pButton = FIND_ENTITY_BY_STRING (pButton, "target", STRING (tr.pHit->v.targetname))))
v_button_origin = VecBModelOrigin (pButton);
TRACE_LINE (v_trace_start, v_button_origin, ignore_monsters, pEdict, &tr2);
if ((tr2.pHit == pButton) || (tr2.flFraction > 0.95))
pBot->dest_origin = v_button_origin;
pBot->f_wpt_timeset = gpGlobals->time;
pBot->bCheckTerrain = FALSE;
if (((v_button_origin - pEdict->v.origin).Length () < 40)
&& (RANDOM_LONG (1, 100) < 10))
pEdict->v.button |= IN_USE;
This code is from BotDoWaypointNav().
It is when it is searching for the button that will open a door..
I don't see what is wrong with this code yet tho..
if anyone can help it'd be appreciated.
I will also upload a new podbot BETA dll
for those of you who get NUM_FOR_EDICT error a lot or know how to get it very well..
Tell me if the dll fixes it.
some more narrowing...
while (!FNullEnt (pButton = FIND_ENTITY_BY_STRING (pButton, "target", STRING (tr.pHit->v.targetname))))
the first time it reaches that piece of code it gives the NUM_FOR_EDICT error.
I have no idea what the arguments for FIND_ENTITY_BY_STRING are...
any help on that?
screw this
It's Fixed
I'll upload a new PODBOT BETA DLL..
just use the same link as above..
oops forgot to tell you guys how i fixed it...
all i did was add
right before the loop and it's fixed
Please test to see if it is fixed for all of us..