Heh, yeah, waypoints is the lazier of the 2 routes, but the upside is I bet it takes less calculations cause of the predefined routes... but that's also the downside those predefined routes make it easy to predict where the bots will go... but then again, most cs players walk over the same spots when they navigate the map. I like to run to the sides of the tunnels and aim at the middle cause I know how most people just charge down the middle.
Yeah, for realbot, it's like most other bots, you waypoint it to go through the window, the bot doesn't necessarily know it's a window, or the basic shape of the window, just that there's an obstuction and most people don't waypoint in the crouching, so the way most bots make it through the window is they start using an unstuck pattern which tends to use a jump-croutch that puts them into the window once they land the jub, and the bots continue on. Raccbot has to figure out the height of the window (from what I've been reading it's either that sensoring system he implemented on the bot, or by navmesh... if I'm wrong correct me people) and so on, so it actually knows the basic structure of the window.
PMB's likes to use his intellect a lot, even in his jokes... and it's confusing (heh, it took me aboot 20 seconds to figure out that blonde France-Germany joke... but I did! I won't say the answer TWrecks, just read it over a few times, and think of the IQ of the populations in averages.... did I say too much already?