ok, i made a full search (4 results) and i completly sed'ed the database. no more links to hpb_bot.... should be found.
(yes i did dump, sed and re-import the whole database, _thats_ what i like on db's you can dump and work on them ...)
p.s. for the interessted, thats why i like beeing a DBA:
mysqldump -c --add-drop-table -u <some-user> -p<some-pass> botsunited_database |grep -v "^--"|sed 's/http://hpb_bot.bots-united.com/http://hpb-bot.bots-united.com/g'>botsunited_vb3-04032004-restore.sql ;mysql -u <some-user> -p<some-pass> botsunited_database < botsunited_vb3-04032004-restore.sql