Hi!!, of course I tried!!
But, even if I made it to insert all the code (un modified), I realized that I must do a lot of changes to many of the essential features of the Bot.
I did start with the combat part, and find myself in serious trouble trying to declare things, and even doing this, the bot did not move at all, I did look for waypointing method but the only thing I finally did is place info_nodes, then the Bot started to move but not in a better way than the previous code from the Bot#10.
The bot also didnīt try to combat, and here I tried to make the bot do this through iRelationship method, attacking a certain class by string (monster_whatever, etc.) etc, etc; with this part the MOd crashes very often because (I think) I did something bad with pointers or stuff like that (Iīm no coder at all).
What I did finally is use the old version of the ZWC Bot. I did some major modifications and now it works better, but not perfect. At least it tries to navigate a bit for the map , and finally choose weapons almost right...
I will do further tests and try other modifications.
This weekend I will make a video with the new version of the Zion Dockīs map, there you will se how the ZWC Bot will behave. Anyway, I will also post the combat code and the navigation code here for you can help me to improve it if you wish