there are somethings i want to know about podbot teamworks , please explain for me :
1 .
a . When a bot need backup, encounter enemy .... do other bots know and go to help ?
b. And if they know , can they know where their teammate spotted enemy ?
c. If i set pb_radio to 0 (disable bot's radio) do they still know ?
(i mean if the bots can communicate each other when i disable pb_radio)
2 .
# This value sets the maximum number of Bots of one team to follow thesame
# user(when Radio Command "Follow Me" is used). Default is 5.
pb_numfollowuser 5
a. Please tell me what 's the "user" here means ?
it means only human -
or it means all player (are both human and bots) ?
b . I don't know if changing the value of this command will affect to the bots teamwork ?
("team work" here means between bots with bots , not between bots with human)
c . And this command only has effect on the "Follow Me" command ,
- or it has effect on all other radio commands ?
for more clearly ,here 's an example for "
it has effect to other radio commands" :
when i set (pb_numfollowuser to "5" ) and the "user" call "enemy spotted" , there will be max 5 bots come to help him
thanks so much