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Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay)
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Posts: 171
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Russian Federation
Arrow Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay) - 07-04-2010

NOTE: ALL FOR WINDOWS 32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pointer to g_pGameRules:
CHalfLifeMultiplay *g_pGameRules = **reinterpret_cast <CHalfLifeMultiplay ***> (reinterpret_cast <unsigned char *> (MDLL_ServerDeactivate) + 11);
Virtual table:
Index	| Function definition
1	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::Think(void)
2	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::IsAllowedToSpawn(CBaseEntity *)
3	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::FAllowFlashlight(void)
4	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::FShouldSwitchWeapon(CBasePlayer *,CBasePlayerItem *)
5	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::GetNextBestWeapon(CBasePlayer *,CBasePlayerItem *)
6	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::IsMultiplayer(void)
7	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::IsDeathmatch(void)
8	| BOOL        CGameRules::IsTeamplay(void)
9	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::IsCoOp(void)
10	| const char *CGameRules::GetGameDescription(void)
11	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::ClientConnected(edict_s *,char const *,char const *,char *)
12	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::InitHUD(CBasePlayer *)
13	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::ClientDisconnected(edict_s *)
14	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::UpdateGameMode(CBasePlayer *)
15	| float       CHalfLifeMultiplay::FlPlayerFallDamage(CBasePlayer *)
16	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::FPlayerCanTakeDamage(CBasePlayer *,CBaseEntity *)
17	| BOOL        CGameRules::ShouldAutoAim(CBasePlayer *,edict_s *)
18	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::PlayerSpawn(CBasePlayer *)
19	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::PlayerThink(CBasePlayer *)
20	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::FPlayerCanRespawn(CBasePlayer *)
21	| float       CHalfLifeMultiplay::FlPlayerSpawnTime(CBasePlayer *)
22	| edict_t     CHalfLifeMultiplay::GetPlayerSpawnSpot(CBasePlayer *)
23	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::AllowAutoTargetCrosshair(void)
24	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::ClientCommand_DeadOrAlive(CBasePlayer *,char const *)
25	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::ClientCommand(CBasePlayer *,char const *)
26	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::ClientUserInfoChanged(CBasePlayer *,char *)
27	| int         CHalfLifeMultiplay::IPointsForKill(CBasePlayer *,CBasePlayer *)
28	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::PlayerKilled(CBasePlayer *,entvars_s *,entvars_s *)
29	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::DeathNotice(CBasePlayer *,entvars_s *,entvars_s *)
30	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::CanHavePlayerItem(CBasePlayer *,CBasePlayerItem *)
31	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::PlayerGotWeapon(CBasePlayer *,CBasePlayerItem *)
32	| int         CHalfLifeMultiplay::WeaponShouldRespawn(CBasePlayerItem *)
33	| float       CHalfLifeMultiplay::FlWeaponRespawnTime(CBasePlayerItem *)
34	| float       CHalfLifeMultiplay::FlWeaponTryRespawn(CBasePlayerItem *)
35	| Vector      CHalfLifeMultiplay::VecWeaponRespawnSpot(CBasePlayerItem *)
36	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::CanHaveItem(CBasePlayer *,CItem *)
37	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::PlayerGotItem(CBasePlayer *,CItem *)
38	| int         CHalfLifeMultiplay::ItemShouldRespawn(CItem *)
39	| float       CHalfLifeMultiplay::FlItemRespawnTime(CItem *)
40	| Vector      CHalfLifeMultiplay::VecItemRespawnSpot(CItem *)
41	| BOOL        CGameRules::CanHaveAmmo(CBasePlayer *,char const *,int)
42	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::PlayerGotAmmo(CBasePlayer *,char *,int)
43	| int         CHalfLifeMultiplay::AmmoShouldRespawn(CBasePlayerAmmo *)
44	| float       CHalfLifeMultiplay::FlAmmoRespawnTime(CBasePlayerAmmo *)
45	| Vector      CHalfLifeMultiplay::VecAmmoRespawnSpot(CBasePlayerAmmo *)
46	| float       CHalfLifeMultiplay::FlHealthChargerRechargeTime(void)
47	| float       CHalfLifeMultiplay::FlHEVChargerRechargeTime(void)
48	| int         CHalfLifeMultiplay::DeadPlayerWeapons(CBasePlayer *)
49	| int         CHalfLifeMultiplay::DeadPlayerAmmo(CBasePlayer *)
50	| const char *CHalfLifeMultiplay::GetTeamID(CBaseEntity *)
51	| int         CHalfLifeMultiplay::PlayerRelationship(CBasePlayer *,CBaseEntity *)
52	| int         CGameRules::GetTeamIndex(char const *)
53	| const char *CGameRules::GetIndexedTeamName(int)
54	| BOOL        CGameRules::IsValidTeam(char const *)
55	| void        CGameRules::ChangePlayerTeam(CBasePlayer *,char const *,int,int)
56	| const char *CGameRules::SetDefaultPlayerTeam(CBasePlayer *)
57	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::PlayTextureSounds(void)
58	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::FAllowMonsters(void)
59	| BOOL        CHalfLifeMultiplay::EndMultiplayerGame(void)
60	| BOOL        CGameRules::IsFreezePeriod(void)
61	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::ServerDeactivate(void)
62	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::CheckMapConditions(void)
63	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::CleanUpMap(void)
64	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::RestartRound(void)
65	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::CheckWinConditions(void)
66	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::RemoveGuns(void)
67	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::GiveC4(void)
68	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::ChangeLevel(void)
69	| void        CHalfLifeMultiplay::GoToIntermission(void)
Previous table needed to m_pseudoVirtualTable, see example below - function CHalfLifeMultiplay::IsFlashlightAllowed() (there instead of BOOL (sizeof == 4) can use bool (sizeof == 1) - as I watched, there is no difference).

class CGameRules
		const void *const *m_pseudoVirtualTable;
class IVoiceGameMgrHelper
		const void *const *m_pseudoVirtualTable;
class CVoiceGameMgr
		const void *const *m_pseudoVirtualTable;

		int                  m_messagePlayerVoiceMask;
		int                  m_messageRequestState;

		IVoiceGameMgrHelper *m_helper;
		int                  m_maxPlayers;
		double               m_updateIntervalTime; // How long since the last update.
class CHalfLifeMultiplay : public CGameRules
		BOOL            m_isFreezePeriod; // TRUE at beginning of round, set to FALSE when the period expires
		BOOL            m_isBombDropped;

		CVoiceGameMgr   m_voiceGameManager;

		float           m_restartRoundTime; // The global time when the round is supposed to end, if this is not 0

		unsigned int    m_UNKNOWN0;

		float           m_roundCount;
		unsigned int    m_roundTime; // (From mp_roundtime) - How many seconds long this round is.
		unsigned int    m_roundTimeSecs; // (Current) round timer - set to 'm_introRoundTime', then 'm_roundTime'.
		unsigned int    m_introRoundTime; // (From mp_freezetime) - How many seconds long the intro round (when players are frozen) is.
		float           m_introRoundCount; // The global time when the intro round ends and the real one starts.
		unsigned int    m_account[2];
		unsigned int    m_playerCount[2]; // The number of players on the team (this is generated at the end of a round)
		unsigned int    m_spawnableNumber[2];
		unsigned int    m_spawnPointCount[2]; // Number of team spawn points.
		unsigned int    m_hostagesRescued;
		unsigned int    m_hostagesTouched;
		unsigned int    m_roundWinStatus; // 1 == CT's won last round, 2 == Terrorists did, 3 == Draw, no winner.
		unsigned short  m_score[2];

		bool            m_isTargetBombed; // Whether or not the bomb has been bombed.
		bool            m_isBombDefused; // Whether or not the bomb has been defused.
		bool            m_isMapHasBombTarget;
		bool            m_isMapHasBombZone;

		bool            m_isMapHasBuyZone;
		bool            m_isMapHasRescueZone;
		bool            m_isMapHasEscapeZone;

		unsigned int    m_isMapHasVIPSafetyZone; // 0 = uninitialized; 1 = has VIP safety zone; 2 = DOES not have VIP safetyzone

		unsigned int    m_UNKNOWN1;

		unsigned int    m_c4Timer; // How long from when the C4 is armed until it blows.
		unsigned int    m_c4Guy; // The current Terrorist who has the C4.
		unsigned int    m_loserBonus; // The amount of money the losing team gets.
		unsigned int    m_consecutiveLosesNumber[2]; // The number of rounds the team have lost in a row.
		float           m_maximumIdlePeriod; // For the idle kick functionality. This is tha maximum amount of time that the player has to be idle before being kicked
		unsigned int    m_limitTeams; // Maximum # of players 1 team can have over another.
		bool            m_isLevelInitialized;
		bool            m_isRoundTerminating;
		bool            m_isCompleteReset; // Set to TRUE to have the scores reset next time round restarts.

		float           m_requiredEscapeRatio;
		unsigned int    m_escapersNumber; // Number of escaped terrorist (for escape maps)
		unsigned int    m_haveEscaped;
		bool            m_isCantBuy[2];

		float           m_c4ExplosionRadius;
		unsigned int    m_consecutiveVIP;
		unsigned int    m_weaponsNumber; // (Including smoke grenade)
		unsigned int    m_grenadesNumber; // (Only HE and flashbang grenades)
		unsigned int    m_armorNumber; // (Assault suit and kevlar)
		unsigned int    m_unBalancedRounds; // Keeps track of the # of consecutive rounds that have gone by where one team outnumbers the other team by more than 2.
		unsigned int    m_escapeRoundsNumber; // Keeps track of the # of consecutive rounds of escape played.. Teams will be swapped after 8 rounds.
		unsigned int    m_mapsVotesNumbers[100];
		unsigned int    m_lastPick;

		unsigned int    m_UNKNOWN2;

		unsigned int    m_maximumRounds;
		unsigned int    m_totalRoundsPlayed;
		unsigned int    m_winLimit;
		int             m_allowSpectators;
		float           m_forceCamera;
		float           m_forceChaseCamera;
		float           m_fadeToBlack;
		CBasePlayer    *m_VIP;
		CBasePlayer    *m_VIPQueue[5u];
		float           m_intermissionEndTime;
		float           m_intermissionStartTime;
		BOOL            m_endIntermissionButtonHit;
		float           m_nextPeriodicThinkTime; // (updates every 1 second)
		bool            m_isFirstPlayerConnected; // Set to TRUE to have the scores reset next time round restarts.
		bool            m_isCareerMatch;

		unsigned int    m_UNKNOWN3;
		unsigned int    m_UNKNOWN4;

		int             m_winDifference;

		unsigned int    m_UNKNOWN5;

		bool            m_isShouldSkipSpawn;

		inline const bool IsFlashlightAllowed (void) const
			return static_cast <bool (__fastcall *) (const CHalfLifeMultiplay *const /*this*/, int /*dummy*/)> (m_pseudoVirtualTable[3]) (this, 0);
class CHalfLifeTraining : public CHalfLifeMultiplay
		float        m_UNKNOWN7Time;
		unsigned int m_UNKNOWN8;
		unsigned int m_UNKNOWN9;
		unsigned int m_UNKNOWN10;

		bool         m_isShowVGUIMenus;
Naked offsets:
enum Offset_t
	Offset_Pointer                                     = 11u, // Offset to 'g_pGameRules' pointer from HLSDK.

	Offset_IsFreezePeriod                              = 4u, // TRUE at beginning of round, set to FALSE when the period expires (as bool, but BOOL)
	Offset_IsBombDropped                               = 8u, // (as bool, but BOOL)

	//--> CVoiceGameMgr START
		Offset_MessagePlayerVoiceMask                  = 6u, // (as int)
		Offset_MessageRequestState                     = 7u, // (as int)
		Offset_Helper                                  = 8u, // (as IVoiceGameMgrHelper *)
		Offset_MaximumPlayers                          = 9u, // (as int)
		Offset_UpdateIntervalTime                      = 10u, // (as double)
	//<-- CVoiceGameMgr END

	Offset_RestartRoundTime                            = 12u, // The global time when the round is supposed to end, if this is not 0 (as float)

////	Offset_UNKNOWN0                                    = 13u, // (as unsigned int)

	Offset_RoundCount                                  = 14u, // (as float)
	Offset_RoundTime                                   = 15u, // (From mp_roundtime) - How many seconds long this round is. (as unsigned int)
	Offset_RoundTimeSecs                               = 16u, // (Current) round timer - set to 'Offset_IntroRoundTime', then 'Offset_RoundTime'. (as unsigned int)
	Offset_IntroRoundTime                              = 17u, // (From mp_freezetime) - How many seconds long the intro round (when players are frozen) is. (as unsigned int)
	Offset_IntroRoundCount                             = 18u, // The global time when the intro round ends and the real one starts. (as float)

	Offset_Account                                     = 19u, // (as unsigned int)
		Offset_AccountTerrorist                        = Offset_Account, // (as unsigned int)
		Offset_AccountCounterTerrorist                 = Offset_Account + 1u, // (as unsigned int)

	// The number of players on the team (this is generated at the end of a round)
	Offset_PlayerCount                                 = 21u, // (as unsigned int)
		Offset_PlayerCount_Terrorist                   = Offset_PlayerCount, // The number of terrorists on the team (this is generated at the end of a round) (as unsigned int)
		Offset_PlayerCount_CounterTerrorist            = Offset_PlayerCount + 1u, // The number of CTs on the team (this is generated at the end of a round) (as unsigned int)

	Offset_SpawnableNumber                             = 23u, // (as unsigned int)
		Offset_SpawnableNumber_Terrorist               = Offset_SpawnableNumber, // (as unsigned int)
		Offset_SpawnableNumber_CounterTerrorist        = Offset_SpawnableNumber + 1u, // (as unsigned int)

	Offset_SpawnPointCount                             = 25u, // (as unsigned int)
		Offset_SpawnPointCount_Terrorist               = Offset_SpawnPointCount, // Number of Terrorist spawn points. (as unsigned int)
		Offset_SpawnPointCount_CounterTerrorist        = Offset_SpawnPointCount + 1u, // Number of CT spawn points. (as unsigned int)

	Offset_HostagesRescued                             = 27u, // (as unsigned int)
	Offset_HostagesTouched                             = 28u, // (as unsigned int)
	Offset_RoundWinStatus                              = 29u, // 1 == CT's won last round, 2 == Terrorists did, 3 == Draw, no winner. (as unsigned int)

	Offset_Score                                       = 60u, // (as unsigned short)
		Offset_Score_Terrorist                         = Offset_Score + 1u, // (as unsigned short)
		Offset_Score_CounterTerrorist                  = Offset_Score, // (as unsigned short)

	Offset_IsTargetBombed                              = 124u, // Whether or not the bomb has been bombed. (as bool)
	Offset_IsBombDefused                               = 125u, // Whether or not the bomb has been defused. (as bool)
	Offset_IsMapHasBombTarget                          = 126u, // (as bool)
	Offset_IsMapHasBombZone                            = 127u, // (as bool)

	Offset_IsMapHasBuyZone                             = 128u, // (as bool)
	Offset_IsMapHasRescueZone                          = 129u, // (as bool)
	Offset_IsMapHasEscapeZone                          = 130u, // (as bool)

	Offset_IsMapHasVIPSafetyZone                       = 33u, // 0 = uninitialized; 1 = has VIP safety zone; 2 = DOES not have VIP safetyzone (as unsigned int)
//	Offset_UNKNOWN1                                    = 34u, // (something with trigger_camera in ClientPutInServer()) (as unsigned int)
	Offset_C4Timer                                     = 35u, // How long from when the C4 is armed until it blows. (as unsigned int)
	Offset_C4Guy                                       = 36u, // The current Terrorist who has the C4. (as unsigned int)
	Offset_LoserBonus                                  = 37u, // The amount of money the losing team gets. This scales up as they lose more rounds in a row. (as unsigned int)

	Offset_ConsecutiveLosesNumber                      = 38u, // The number of rounds the CT's have lost in a row. (as unsigned int)
		Offset_ConsecutiveLosesNumber_Terrorist        = Offset_ConsecutiveLosesNumber + 1u, // The number of rounds the Terrorists have lost in a row. (as unsigned int)
		Offset_ConsecutiveLosesNumber_CounterTerrorist = Offset_ConsecutiveLosesNumber, // The number of rounds the CT's have lost in a row. (as unsigned int)

	Offset_MaximumIdlePeriod                           = 40u, // For the idle kick functionality. This is tha maximum amount of time that the player has to be idle before being kicked (as float)
	Offset_LimitTeams                                  = 41u, // Maximum # of players 1 team can have over another. (as unsigned int)
	Offset_IsLevelInitialized                          = 168u, // (as bool)
	Offset_IsRoundTerminating                          = 169u, // (as bool)
	Offset_IsCompleteReset                             = 170u, // Set to TRUE to have the scores reset next time round restarts. (as bool)

	Offset_RequiredEscapeRatio                         = 43u, // (as float)
	Offset_EscapersNumber                              = 44u, // Number of escaped terrorist (for escape maps) (as unsigned int)
	Offset_HaveEscaped                                 = 45u, // (as unsigned int)

	// Who can and can't buy.
	Offset_IsCantBuy                                   = 184u, // (as bool)
		Offset_IsCantBuy_Terrorist                     = Offset_IsCantBuy, // (as bool)
		Offset_IsCantBuy_CounterTerrorist              = Offset_IsCantBuy + 1u, // (as bool)

	Offset_C4_ExplosionRadius                          = 47u, // (as float)
	Offset_ConsecutiveVIP                              = 48u, // (as unsigned int)
	Offset_WeaponsNumber                               = 49u, // (Including smoke grenade) (as unsigned int)
	Offset_GrenadesNumber                              = 50u, // (Only HE and flashbang grenades) (as unsigned int)
	Offset_ArmorNumber                                 = 51u, // (Assault suit and kevlar) (as unsigned int)
	Offset_UnBalancedRounds                            = 52u, // Keeps track of the # of consecutive rounds that have gone by where one team outnumbers the other team by more than 2. (as unsigned int)
	Offset_EscapeRoundsNumber                          = 53u, // Keeps track of the # of consecutive rounds of escape played.. Teams will be swapped after 8 rounds. (as unsigned int)
	Offset_MapsVotesNumbers                            = 54u, // (as unsigned int *, but unsigned int[100])
	Offset_LastPick                                    = 154u, // (as unsigned int)
////	Offset_UNKNOWN2                                    = 34u, // (as UNKNOWN)
	Offset_MaximumRounds                               = 156u, // (as unsigned int)
	Offset_TotalRoundsPlayed                           = 157u, // (as unsigned int)
	Offset_WinLimit                                    = 158u, // (as unsigned int)
	Offset_AllowSpectators                             = 159u, // (as int)
	Offset_ForceCamera                                 = 160u, // (as float)
	Offset_ForceChaseCamera                            = 161u, // (as float)
	Offset_FadeToBlack                                 = 162u, // (as float)
	Offset_VIP                                         = 163u, // (as CBasePlayer *)
	Offset_VIPQueue                                    = 164u, // (as CBasePlayer **, but CBasePlayer *[5])
	Offset_IntermissionEndTime                         = 169u, // (as float)
	Offset_IntermissionStartTime                       = 170u, // (as float)
	Offset_EndIntermissionButtonHit                    = 684u, // (as bool, but BOOL)
	Offset_NextPeriodicThinkTime                       = 172u, // (updates every 1 second) (as float)
	Offset_IsFirstPlayerConnected                      = 692u, // Set to TRUE to have the scores reset next time round restarts. (as bool)
	Offset_IsCareerMatch                               = 693u, // (as bool)

//	Offset_UNKNOWN3                                    = 174u, // (as unsigned int)
//	Offset_UNKNOWN4                                    = 175u, // (as unsigned int)
	Offset_WinDifference                               = 176u, // (as int)
//	Offset_UNKNOWN5                                    = 177u, // (as unsigned int)

	Offset_IsShouldSkipSpawn                           = 712u, // (as bool)
	// CHalfLifeMultiplay END

//	Offset_UNKNOWN7Time                                = 180u, // (as float)
////	Offset_UNKNOWN8                                    = 181u, // (as unsigned int)
//	Offset_UNKNOWN9                                    = 182u, // (as unsigned int)
//	Offset_UNKNOWN10                                   = 183u, // (as unsigned int)
	Offset_IsShowVGUIMenus                             = 736u // (as bool)
	// CHalfLifeTraining END
reinterpret_cast <as type *> (g_pGameRules)[Offset_*] = value;

Last edited by Immortal_BLG; 07-04-2010 at 14:16..
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Re: Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay)
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Location: Russian Federation
Default Re: Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay) - 10-04-2010

Should be changed: m_isFirstPlayerConnected/Offset_IsFirstPlayerConnected names to m_isGameCommenced/Offset_IsGameCommenced respectively
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Re: Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay)
The Storm
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Default Re: Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay) - 10-04-2010

Nice stuff, I'm surpriced that all this methods are virtual.
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Re: Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay)
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Default Re: Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay) - 11-04-2010

There still it is enough not-virtual functions....
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Re: Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay)
The Storm
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Default Re: Counter-Strike game rules (CHalfLifeMultiplay) - 13-04-2010

Well calling non-virtual functions will be hard work.
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