Bot clans? -
Bots working together?
Bots emulating professional CS teams movement/aim/grenades/buying?
Hey, I'm a competitive CS player studying Java with what I think is a great idea.
For fun, I made a CZ campaign using all the official CS maps d2, inf, nuke, train, and all the bots in teams of 5 vs your 5 tagged the same as professional teams and tried changing the skill of the bots accordingly but of course the effect was no where near even a proper 5on5 match.
Then I thought hey, why don't I learn how to code bots and mimic the play of professional teams (or maybe just one team like fnatic or something). I.e. same positions, same timing, same aim, same nades, same rotates, same buying. I know that if this were done it would be hugely popular and hugely fun and useful to train a clan with no human opponent, or no difficult opponent available. But how feasible is this?
Can you record a humans movement or get movement data from a demo file or HLTV demo and translate that into bot movement? Can you code bots to do precise enough movements and aiming to do the tricky jumps and grenades that professional players do?
I'm learning Java at university but these bot source code files I have looked at so far are written in C++. I have no idea how to code bots and I'm only a beginner at Java but I am a keen and fast learner and C++ doesn't seem massively different. Still, is it possible to use Java to code bots? I have to do a software development uni project within a couple of months, and I would be satisfied if I could just code some bots to play one half of one map (eg CT nuke) with one standard tactic (e.g. mibr's style) in that time, Java or not; can anyone advise me or help answer my questions?