(download, rename to fritz_dm_hillb2.pk3 and place in fritzbot directory)
This was going to be my third map but the test went so well I am promoting the map version immediately to first beta release (0.03) to get some feed back.
Dm_hillb2.pk3 is a beta version of a KOTH style map by seven_dc. As far as I can tell after googling, no later version was distributed even though a small number of minor bugs remain in the map (see my readme in the pk3 file for these and the few waypointing bugs).
What I would really like are comments on the objective play. I have changed the script file such that you have to play both the hill spawn flag as well as the lower command post. This increased the difficulty such that I had to decrease the flag time to win from 10 minutes to 6 minutes (see the map story attached). Even with this decrease the play typically exceeds the 30 minute map limit (if you are too even matched you can always vote etc for a new map).
Also I would appreciate some suggestions as to how to get the engineers to play for the flag when the CP is controlled by their team. The class specific camps are not juicy enough for their tastes I guess.
To follow this map as it evolves use this