I'm not entirely clear, you mean by doing the "Right click 'Properties' on 'Dedicated Server', then click 'Set launch options..." and then put in what you suggest in the text box? Or, is there another place I should put "+localinfo mm_gamedll addons/yapb/dlls/podbot.dll" in?
you mean by doing the "Right click 'Properties' on 'Dedicated Server', then click 'Set launch options..." and then put in what you suggest in the text box?
However I'm not totally sure if those parameters are 100% correct as it's been quite a while after I was working on HL stuff.
Here one gift from me.
The latest version of YaPB from the first post but compiled with hlsdk-2.3p3 and Metamod 1.19, updated the project files for VC 6.0 and VC 7.1. I compiled windows and linux binaries. They are located in to the "Release" folder. Download YaPB with source code.
Np man, you are welcome. Now if you give me the NSIS script used for the predios versions of YaPB, I can make the new instalation for new public release but I guess that you too can do it sinse you have compiled everything you just need to run NSIS and all will be done.
So anyone who wants to work on YaPB or the GINA bot, please contact me and I'll add you to the sourceforge.net at project member. They are not dead, just temporarily orphaned, as they are free software