HPB Bot Steam Compatable? -
I can't install it to hl I think thats the version, to Steam.
For listen servers, I keep trying the install.dos file and I keep doing different methods and stuff, I try puttng the install files in the mod folder, I try putting hpb_bot in half-life/hpb_bot stuff, and I haven't tried /username/hpb-bot/ yet, but I'll try it soon, since I have to go to bed right now, so Ican get up early to practice for orchestra I'll try it tomorrow.
I was trying to install normal half-life bot, and then tried TFC to see if I can get anywhere further, but No such luck for me, I've always had the most trouble with HPB-Bot, but I don't really know why. I did put half-life/valve/addons/metamod/ and stuff and all the metamod stuff, and I don't get a listenserver.cfg or a libist.gam or anything, so now I'm wondering if it only works for 1.5 which I'm trying not to play anymore, only cs15 for me.
I don't really understand how to install, but it looks easy from how you describe it, but I'm not getting enough details in the readme.txt file.