I'm trying to figure out how if possible to add automatically a specific number of bots to a non dedicated derver.
I've set up a maprotate.cfg. Is it possible to setup some sort of bot.cfg file were the bot are autmatically added to each map/round.
// Start the Game Map
set d1 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_beach; set nextmap vstr d1a" (exec bot.cfg) or something like that to auto add bots to the match
set d1a "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 5 ; map axis_complex ; set nextmap vstr d2a" (exec bot.cfg) or something like that to auto add bots to next map
...and so on for each map
or how can I if possible manually setup and execute a bot.cfg
eg. bot.cfg
exec bot.cfg
/addbot leto 1 3
/addbot gara 1 3
/addbot bob 1 3
.....and so on
Anyway keep up the good work, can't wait for the next patch
I'm trying to figure out how if possible to add automatically a specific number of bots to a non dedicated derver.
I've set up a maprotate.cfg. Is it possible to setup some sort of bot.cfg file were the bot are autmatically added to each map/round.
// Start the Game Map
set d1 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_beach; set nextmap vstr d1a" (exec bot.cfg) or something like that to auto add bots to the match
set d1a "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 5 ; map axis_complex ; set nextmap vstr d2a" (exec bot.cfg) or something like that to auto add bots to next map
...and so on for each map
or how can I if possible manually setup and execute a bot.cfg
eg. bot.cfg
exec bot.cfg
/addbot leto 1 3
/addbot gara 1 3
/addbot bob 1 3
.....and so on
Anyway keep up the good work, can't wait for the next patch
Thanks for any help.
This should already be done for you. Look in the "configs" directory for files called <mapname>_bots.cfg. This is where the bots for that map are stored, and you can add/change to your hearts content.
I set up a "botsblue.cfg" file with 10 selected bots, so maps would be 5 players on 5, including me. Now I don't have to type /addbot all the time at the start of each map, the bots are there when the maps load up after I exec my Map rotation file. cooooooool. I know this sound simple to you teckys but I'm thrilled.
// Start the Game Map
set d1 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_beach ; set nextmap vstr d2 ; exec botsblue.cfg"
set d2 "set g_gametype 5 ; map axis_complex ; set nextmap vstr d3 ; exec botsblue.cfg"
set d3 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_trenchtoast ; set nextmap vstr d4 ; exec botsblue.cfg"
set d4 "set g_gametype 5 ; map te_frostbite ; set nextmap vstr d1 ; exec botsblue.cfg"
vstr d1
and yes i agree i should exhuast every measure b4 posting for help, lol, soz.
Thanks for the help anyway Mal. Can't wait for the patch. I've been checking this site for the release everday before I go to work. I absolutely love FRITZBot.......oh yeah.......I think my wifes going to leave me. LOL
Thanks for the help anyway Mal. Can't wait for the patch. I've been checking this site for the release everday before I go to work. I absolutely love FRITZBot.......oh yeah.......I think my wifes going to leave me. LOL
You shouldn't have to wait much longer. We're testing the patch right now, and hopefully will have something soon. I think you'll be pleased.