Thanks, I'll try that out in a bit.
I'm starting to learn 6502 assembly and the book I'm reading assumes the computer has display memory that can be written to inorder to put things on the display.
Unfortunately, the simulator I'm using works by writing a character value to a memory address to put something on the screen.
So with my limited 6502 assembly I'm setting aside 440 bytes to use as emulated display memory then iterating through the bytes and writing them to the display character address every time it's needed.
Horribly inefficient but no 6502 simulators I found supported display memory.
So while this vvvvv works for temporary purposes, the book requires the emulated display memory.
.ORG $200
HelloString: .ASCII "Hello from 6502 ASM!", $00
.START .Main
.Main LDY #$00
.Getch LDA HelloString, Y
BEQ .Fin
STA $E001
JMP .Getch
.Fin BRK
As for sleep, I wish I could...
I just end up lying in bed for hours until I come to realize sleep is not going to happen, so I just go back and code some more.