ok, now i got you on track, a drop is quite effective, it keeps the udp handling away from the stack and software, "even" the linux iptables is quite effective, i got this on a customers server, his server get flodded at 00:00 and 02:00 every night, all players leave and the fun "drops".
this nigth i simply used grep to get the ip's of authenticated users and put them in an allow list, all other udp traffic between 27000 and 27100 was dropped.
the system got quite smooth again, ssh did not lag any more, and the game was atleast playable.
for my later "use", i can do more, i can make a drop rule on the gbit interface of the last hop.
technical the plugin should write two file with ip's, one with authenticated ip's and a second one with high connect ip's and some numbers (delta-long,delta-short,summ,repeat count), a simple bash "daemon" can read, and parse this list and make iptables rules, if no alert is on, nothing is limited, only the usulal ports left open rules.
as soon as the level rises all authenticated users are put on top of the iptables list as allowed ip's, all services are connection limited at moderate levels, it more different ips start flooding, all services are tightly connection limited perhaps some services are taken down (*if* IRC/Bouncer/BNC,all mail stuff, ssl, dns) and hdls/27015 is only possible for authenticated players.
so i think it can help, and writing an iptables module for this is a much harder way to go
if it works its a killer feature
Cheers Onno