Hi, I play 1v5 100 skill IVPBots for practice on de_ maps and find them more challenging than the old pod @ 1.5
I have to manually set their personality to 'Normal' to avoid the mindless skulking around the map that takes weeks or the mindless rampaging...
Despite this, they definitely don't follow the same patterns as POD 2.5, where for example on nuke they predominantly rush the squeaky door which is excellent for practising wallspray
but now they tend to skulk about outside which extends roundtimes and my patience. I thought they used the same waypoints, so why the different behaviour? This goes for most maps btw!
Also... it seems that when you plant them bomb (regardless of map really) the bots just don't show up to defuse ever... They run off and you sometimes find them congregating together on the other side of the map!
And of course, they seem practically immune to flashbangs, whilst this is semi-realistic, it is sometimes a little too ludicrous (2 flashes right in front of them and they still headshot you before you've fully shown
Any help in improving any of these issues would be appreciated!