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my rant for this day ;)
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Default my rant for this day ;) - 07-02-2004

well, i really hate to see when websites use the target="_blank" crap..
This is not really valid html, and it is even reasonable, the user should decide whether he wants to open a link in a new window or not, it shouldnt be decided by the author of a webpage..

seen this on the rb page now, well ive noticed it immediately when the new page was brought online, but i didnt bother to rant about it until now..

so stef, if you happen to edit the page next, could you remove the target things, too?

W3Cs standards arent that bad after all and some compliance would be nice..

Last edited by Mike; 07-02-2004 at 16:51..
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Re: my rant for this day ;)
Pierre-Marie Baty
Roi de France
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Default Re: my rant for this day ;) - 07-02-2004

sure... the problem comes when your site uses iframes... if you don't specify this target (or something equivalent) you will have the new page open inside your nested frame, and not in the whole page... for example in my homepage I have one iframe in the center (it's the text area) all the rest is static... and if I don't specify a target like this in the link URL every link that points outside of my site (for example www.google.com) would open in the iframe, which would be stupid...

I did notice that it made the browser open a new window indeed, but that was not the effect I was looking for, at least as far as my site is concerned...

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Re: my rant for this day ;)
Posts: n/a
Default Re: my rant for this day ;) - 07-02-2004

well, i dont think this is the case on the rb page though..
and yes, target was invented for frames, so its correct to use it with iframes, but even then there should be another target possibility to open the link in the main window instead of opening it in a new one like _blank does it..

*edit* ive just checked a bit, try target="_top", hope this helps *edit*

Last edited by Mike; 07-02-2004 at 17:21..
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