Originally Posted by person135
pb add
pb fillserver
pb add
pb_mapstartbotdelay 10
pb_timer_sound 3.5
pb_timer_pickup 4.3
pb_timer_grenade 2.5
pb_bot_join_team "ANY"
pb_minbots 0
pb_maxbots 14
pb_bot_quota_match 0
The fillserver command will not work if You put it before defining min and max bots (in that moment when You are using fillserver pb_maxbots is still 0 - so what do You think - how can they be added? Please try to read that docs, before You will complain again, otherwise I'll start to ignore Your questions, as You are ignoring my ask to read the docs.
pb add and pb fillserver they should be the last commands added to Your podbot.cfg file (at the buttom of it). Before You need to setup the bots - what kind of skills, how many bots is possible to have there etc - then You can add them by pb or pb fillserver.
There is also no reason to mix pb fillserver with pb add...