Not quite!
We were having a quick (all afternoon) drink in the Union when someone came up and asked what we were doing that night. (I was returning with a pint and ran up -thought he was nicking my seat, heh.)
He claimed to be from the BBC, who were doing something on "overcrowding in limosines". Naturally I said, "Oh
really?" but he just replyied that we bring along a few mates and show up at a bar near me and we'd get a drink out of it at the least. We then received a call from the BBC and they confirmed it. We thought it wouldn't do any harm to see what it was all about, especially when the term was just finishing off.
We ended up with a ride in a limo, champagne, free bottled water and a pint, all courtesey of the BBC.
It is BBC south however, I know in Holland for instance in most places we get BBC SE, which is the wrong one (Kentish accents or dialects or something).
If you have Sky you can get all the regional BBC channels, they are somewhere near the radio stations I think.
We then went for a curry.
All in all a good night, our bit will probably be only a few minutes long, I'm not sure as it's over a year since I've seen the program.