cpl. Shrike need you help for the enfield and enfields weapon ID -
For DoD 1.1 the british weapon enfield/enfields(scope) was the same weapon ID 25 and the fg42/fg42s use the same ID 23 , I think I have to use the iAmmoClip state to detect them correctly but I have no idea how to code, so I just ingore it at that moment since the default one is always enfield if I use ID 25, that mean bot can't use scope enfield but not a big problem for me.
But start from DoD 1.2/Steam the default one have changed to enfields if I use ID 25, so I can't ingore it anymore since bot can't use enfield now, Shrike do you have idea how to solve this problem ?
BTW I still don't know how to output the debug bot.txt under HPB_bot_Metamod, so I use back the non mm version to output the bot.txt at the moment, however I notice the weapon output part of DoD 1.2/Steam is very difference than DoD 1.1, I can't find any detail weapon information now ! Now the output look like this:
(DoD 1.2/Steam)
pfnRemoveEntity: 3e36298
pfnCreateNamedEntity: edict=3e36298 name=weapon_enfield
pfnPrecacheModel: models/v_enfield.mdl
pfnPrecacheModel: models/w_enfield.mdl
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/enfield_shoot.wav
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/357_cock1.wav
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/boltforward.wav
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/boltback.wav
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/tommy_reload_clipin.wav
pfnPrecacheModel: models/v_enfield_scoped.mdl
pfnPrecacheModel: models/w_enfield_scoped.mdl
pfnPrecacheSound: weapons/enfieldsniper_shoot.wav
(DoD 1.1)
pfnMessageBegin: edict=1de6594 dest=1 type=76
pfnWriteString: weapon_luger
pfnWriteByte: 4
pfnWriteByte: 24
pfnWriteByte: -1
pfnWriteByte: -1
pfnWriteByte: 1
pfnWriteByte: 1
pfnWriteByte: 4
pfnWriteByte: 64
pfnWriteByte: 8
Last edited by Tea; 26-06-2004 at 20:34..