Why do some doors kill bots? -
Hello all you 1337 mappers!
I have one question (just curiosity), and I think you guys are the ones who might be able to answer it...
There are some maps where bots will get killed by touching a door, and I wonder what could cause that. Mind you, I'm not talking about bots that get stuck in a door at the very moment it closes and get killed by trigger_hurt or whatever it is. I mean some doors that a bot merely touches while it's opening, and bang - the bot will drop dead as if it was struck by a lightning.
One example is the sliding door that leads to the two hostages in that little control room on the 1st floor in cs_arabstreets, another one is the sliding door that leads into the sewer system (T side) in cs_vineyard. Hmm, both doors slide open to one side or both sides. Does anybody have an idea why bots die when touching these doors whereas human players don't have any problems? Thx in advance!
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