My one
(mouse disco will be optional though
dont want it get rid of the 3 lines at bottom:
Alias +disco "+attack;adjust_crosshair"
Alias -disco "-attack;adjust_crosshair"
bind Mouse1 "+disco"
*bug fillserver not working
// Waypoint binds
Alias dev1 “developer 1”
Alias dev0 “developer 0”
Alias wadd "waypoint add"
Alias wdele "waypoint delete"
Alias wsave "waypoint save"
Alias wload "waypoint load"
Alias all "wpmenu all"
Alias apmd "wpmenu apmd"
Alias flag "wpmenu flags"
Alias srad "wpmenu setradius"
Alias wrad1 "radio1"
Alias wrad2 "radio2"
Alias wrad3 "radio3"
Alias wvrec "+voicerecord"
Alias wsb "showbriefing"
Alias wabc " "
Alias winp "invprev"
Alias winn "invnext"
Alias WPG "removebots; mp_timelimit 0; mp_roundtime 60; waypoint on; pathwaypoint on; wp nohostage; bind z wadd; bind x wdele; bind k wsave; bind l wload; bind c srad; bind p flags; bind [ all; bind ] apmd"
Alias WPGF "waypoint off; pathwaypoint off; bind z wrad1; bind x wrad2; bind k wvrec; bind l wsb; bind c wrad3 bind [ winp; bind ] winn; bind p wabc; fillserver"
Alias Wpg_toggle "WPG_ON; dev1; echo Waypoitning Online And Ready; dev0"
Alias WPG_ON "alias Wpg_toggle WPG_OFF; WPGF; dev1; echo Waypointing Off; dev0"
Alias WPG_OFF "alias Wpg_toggle WPG_ON; WPG; dev1; echo Waypointing On; dev0"
Alias +disco "+attack;adjust_crosshair"
Alias -disco "-attack;adjust_crosshair"
bind Mouse1 "+disco"
bind = "Wpg_toggle"
sv_restartround 1