When you get a huge pack of waypoints half of them don't work right bots are running into walls the whole map I know because i've tested a shitload of them. I rather post the ones I know work or get help making them. I'm trying to make waypoints on a server I made on my computer all my bots are running with amx I have the key binded bind "h" "pb wpmenu" And every time I hit that key I get this message.
You must be the host of a listen server to use this command
I'm also on a router and maybe I'm missing something.
Routers don't matter.
But you do need to be on a listen server to create waypoints / user waypoint menu.
If you were to just add cs1.5 to another PC (that way steam isn't needed) then you could waypoint using latest pbmm version.
[Web Designer][Waypointer][Gamer]
CFE Games Administrator [CFE]Games.com
[Never Trust the Untrusted]
Thanks I didn't know it would make a difference on the same comp.
I don't know why i can't find a tutorial for a listen server. Only dedicated which i have that doesn't help.
Creating a listen server is about as easy as pushing a single button.
Just click new game or create server and your listen server will be done near instantly.
However, adding cs 1.5 listen server to your dedicaed server will probably kill performance :: bandwidth;
However, you will be able to create waypoints.
My waypoint standards are better than those who perfer quantity rather than quality.
After a few trial and error seeking submitions to and from me, many waypointers find the standards quite easy to fullfil especially since they are almost the bare minimum waypoint requirements. I'm sure you're experienced, but if you create waypoints, you might as well share them with others in the CFEGames waypoint db.
[Web Designer][Waypointer][Gamer]
CFE Games Administrator [CFE]Games.com
[Never Trust the Untrusted]
Thanks Ancient And I've figured out the listenserver now i'm having trouble setting goals for the bots I'll save with errors to test it but they aren't moving maybe walking into a wall with 15 to 21 no nod and all that good crap your prolly familiar with in your noob waypointing days. Anyways Where is the tutorial I can't find one and yes I'll be posting all my waypoints when i can perfect this shit. Thanks