Originally Posted by KWo
Hard to work, if I have to wait for a feedback about one week...
I would like to see what that traceline returns when is fired at CZ bot.
KWo, sorry for the delay.
I am not making this up. We were getting our condo painted and all last week moved to the office to live and sleep and had to get everything moved out for the painters AND had serious work deadlines. It was two really bad weeks. I have a bad deadline for Monday and Then I am free for the rest of the year except for 3 weeks in Hawaii, and I will not be working on bots then! So sorry for the delay.
How is this for faster response?
"bot_stop" changed to "1"
] traceline 100
Tracing a LINE 10000 units forward from player's view angles (17.6 156.7 0.0)
Detailed trace results:
fAllSolid = 0 (plane is valid)
fStartSolid = 0 (initial point was NOT in a solid area)
fInOpen = 1 (in open space)
fInWater = 0 (NOT in water)
flFraction = 0.30 (0% completed)
vecEndPos = Vector (966.6, -1762.2, -163.9)
flPlaneDist = 1662.98
vecPlaneNormal = Vector (0.7, -0.6, 0.4)
pHit = Entity #2 ("player")
iHitgroup = 3 (body part #3)
Distance traced: 29.6
] printent 2
Printing out entity #2 variable information...
(variable name = value (meaning))
pEntity->v.classname = 145794028 ("player")
pEntity->v.globalname = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.origin = Vector (960.0, -1760.0, -172.0)
pEntity->v.oldorigin = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.velocity = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - Length 0.000 - Length2D 0.000
pEntity->v.basevelocity = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - Length 0.000 - Length2D 0.000
pEntity->v.clbasevelocity = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - Length 0.000 - Length2D 0.000
pEntity->v.movedir = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.angles = Vector (0.7, 150.3, 0.0)
pEntity->v.avelocity = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.punchangle = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.v_angle = Vector (-2.0, 150.3, 0.0)
pEntity->v.endpos = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.startpos = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.impacttime = 0.000
pEntity->v.starttime = 0.000
pEntity->v.fixangle = 1 (force view angles)
pEntity->v.idealpitch = 0.000
pEntity->v.pitch_speed = 0.000
pEntity->v.ideal_yaw = 0.000
pEntity->v.yaw_speed = 0.000
pEntity->v.modelindex = 133
pEntity->v.model = 145813768 ("models/player/urban/urban.mdl")
pEntity->v.viewmodel = 145787028 ("models/v_usp.mdl")
pEntity->v.weaponmodel = 145787048 ("models/p_usp.mdl")
pEntity->v.absmin = Vector (943.0, -1777.0, -209.0)
pEntity->v.absmax = Vector (977.0, -1743.0, -135.0)
pEntity->v.mins = Vector (-16.0, -16.0, -36.0)
pEntity->v.maxs = Vector (16.0, 16.0, 36.0)
pEntity->v.size = Vector (32.0, 32.0, 72.0)
pEntity->v.ltime = 0.000 (current time is 104.712)
pEntity->v.nextthink = -1.000 (current time is 104.712)
pEntity->v.movetype = 3 (MOVETYPE_WALK)
pEntity->v.solid = 3 (SOLID_SLIDEBOX)
pEntity->v.skin = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.body = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.effects = 0 ()
pEntity->v.gravity = 1.000 (fraction /1 of normal)
pEntity->v.friction = 1.000
pEntity->v.light_level = 0
pEntity->v.sequence = 19 ("")
pEntity->v.gaitsequence = 1 ("")
pEntity->v.frame = 151.791 (position /255 of total in sequence)
pEntity->v.animtime = 104.695 (current time is 104.712)
pEntity->v.framerate = 1.000 (times normal speed)
pEntity->v.controller = {0, 0, 0, 0}
pEntity->v.blending = {126, 124}
pEntity->v.scale = 0.000
pEntity->v.rendermode = 0 (kRenderNormal)
pEntity->v.renderamt = 0.000
pEntity->v.rendercolor = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) (RGB)
pEntity->v.renderfx = 0 (kRenderFxNone)
pEntity->v.health = 100.000
pEntity->v.frags = 0.000
pEntity->v.weapons = -1610547200 (00000000000000001000000000000101)
pEntity->v.takedamage = 2.000 (DAMAGE_AIM)
pEntity->v.deadflag = 0 (DEAD_NO)
pEntity->v.view_ofs = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 17.0)
pEntity->v.button = 0 ()
pEntity->v.impulse = 0
pEntity->v.chain = NULL
pEntity->v.dmg_inflictor = Entity #1 ("player")
pEntity->v.enemy = NULL
pEntity->v.aiment = NULL
pEntity->v.spawnflags = 0 (00000000000000000000000000000000)
pEntity->v.flags = 8712 (FL_CLIENT | FL_ONGROUND | FL_FAKECLIENT)
pEntity->v.colormap = 0 (0x0)
pEntity->v.team = 0
pEntity->v.max_health = 100.000
pEntity->v.teleport_time = 0.000
pEntity->v.armortype = 0.000
pEntity->v.armorvalue = 0.000
pEntity->v.waterlevel = 0 (not in water)
pEntity->v.watertype = -1
pEntity->v.target = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.targetname = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.netname = 24967156 ("Alfred")
pEntity->v.message = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.dmg_take = 0.000
pEntity->v.dmg_save = 0.000
pEntity->v.dmg = 2.000
pEntity->v.dmgtime = 0.000 (current time is 104.712)
pEntity->v.noise = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.noise1 = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.noise2 = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.noise3 = 0 ("")
pEntity->v.speed = 0.000
pEntity->v.air_finished = 116.695
pEntity->v.pain_finished = 0.000
pEntity->v.radsuit_finished = 0.000
pEntity->v.pContainingEntity = Entity #2 ("player")
pEntity->v.playerclass = 0
pEntity->v.maxspeed = 250.000
pEntity->v.fov = 90.000
pEntity->v.weaponanim = 8
pEntity->v.pushmsec = 0
pEntity->v.bInDuck = 0 (FALSE)
pEntity->v.flTimeStepSound = 203 (current time is 104.712)
pEntity->v.flSwimTime = 0 (current time is 104.712)
pEntity->v.flDuckTime = 0 (current time is 104.712)
pEntity->v.iStepLeft = 1
pEntity->v.flFallVelocity = 0.000
pEntity->v.gamestate = 1
pEntity->v.oldbuttons = 0
pEntity->v.groupinfo = 0
pEntity->v.iuser1 = 0
pEntity->v.iuser2 = 0
pEntity->v.iuser3 = 0
pEntity->v.iuser4 = 0
pEntity->v.fuser1 = 0.000
pEntity->v.fuser2 = 0.000
pEntity->v.fuser3 = 0.000
pEntity->v.fuser4 = 0.000
pEntity->v.vuser1 = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.vuser2 = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.vuser3 = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.vuser4 = Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pEntity->v.euser1 = NULL
pEntity->v.euser2 = NULL
I was not in a ds game. I was in a LAN gam eif tha tmake sany difference.
Let me knwo what else you want done, anything, any tests with POD on CZ.