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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 06-04-2005

Typically amperage does all the damage to a person, depending if their skin is dirty or not, etc etc (a persons electrical resistance changes dramatically if they have dirty hands, if they sweat, etc). Of course, current is dependent upon the voltage applied across the skin, and the amount of resistance. Puncturing the skin (do tasers actually do this? I've not seen them in action or anything) lessens the resistance heaps, so for the same voltage you'll get an increase current.
About 0.1A can cause death, 0.01A pain, burn, etc, 0.001A a tingling sensation, person depending of course.

And yes, I'm now waiting for the geek alert jokes to begin....I studied this as part of external metal contacts on a hand sign recognition glove.

mirv the Silly Fish.
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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
Pierre-Marie Baty
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 06-04-2005

I believe you without a doubt, I studied electronics so I have two or three elements for answering this as well. I'm just a bit surprised about the numbers you give, like, 0.1A can cause death, I would have said 1A, and 10mA cause pain/burn, I find that very surprising.

About the Taser guns, they're in fact 2 little bolts that are fired simultaneously a bit like with a crossbow (but with less strength of course). It DOES perforate the skin, since it is also supposed to pierce your clothes.

And YES, there HAVE been accidents with this gun, and people died. I call that an utter stupidity.

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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 06-04-2005

That gun is in Swat 4, which just came out. Loads of fun to just shoot "suspects" with it after they've surrendered and been cuffed.

My minimal "Excessive use of deadly force" for each mission is usually 2-4.

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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 06-04-2005

1A was quoted by some texts, that's true. 0.1A was quoted by others. I'm a little tired, but 1A does sound a little better to me though of course depending how close to various nerves, etc, you get hit. I guess it depends on the person too, and how accurate their test cases were: "are you dead yet? nope, let's try this!" Never did find the source of their numbers, but it probably involved various probes being stuck into people, and basically guessing from there.

mirv the Silly Fish.
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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 06-04-2005


Well, I took electronics common core, and 9kV's does hurt, and I think it was just 1mA - 5mA's at the most. I had no burning... but the teacher should've explained why not to use 2 hands. I figured since one hand barely did anything.. 2 would be ok. Hey, it was like, the first couple of weeks of the course, I diddn't think I'd actually zap the crap outta me heart.

So yeah, I'm guessing 50mA can cause burn, and 1A is definately death. Painful, painful death. If you guys want the schematic for me taser? just wait, I wanna patten it first, lolz. 9_9

Yes, there has been lots of people who have died from tasers cause they took it across the heart, and threw off their heart's little zaps that keep it going, and so they couldn't breathe, and then they died. That's why at the hospital they have those units they put across your heart, they send an eletric zap to try and reset those little zaps that make your heart beat. Anywho, they were meant to be only shot in like, the stomach, cops who aim at the chest are the ones who will probably kill the poor dude on the receiving end of the taser. Oh, there's also stun sticks that have tipped prongs, so those also can penetrate the skin.

I think for this gaming idea they should tone theirs down to like, novetly zappers, or something less harmful like somekindof rumble thing you strap to yourself.. I think the repeated zapping's over a prolonged period of time could cause artheritis or random muscle spasms or something like that..

Later-a-much, and LONG LIVE THE D!,
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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 06-04-2005

I've heard about this one guy who killed himself with a 9 volt. Apparently, he stuck two multimeter electrodes into his thumbs. It went through his heart, and because blood has less resistance than skin, more current went through his heart.

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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 07-04-2005

How much power does a house plug-in have? I know someone who stuck a key in one and lived, that something that I'd figure would kill you.

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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 07-04-2005


Yes, outlett's are fatal if across the heart. That's the thing, he probably only gotta finger or arm shock. If he stuck key's in each hole then yes he'd probably die.

Now, with this 9 volt? maybe. It thought their ampere's were only 1mA? ??? anywho, ya never know I guess.. I heard of a guy dying from a 12V car battery, then again his hands were bloody, so yeah, probably the case with blood having next to nothing resistance so all the force goes straight through the heart..

Later-a-much, and LONG LIVE THE D!,
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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 08-04-2005

Blood has iron in it, and iron is a good conductor of electricity, so is water.

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Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back!
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Default Re: Coming soon: a PC combat game that shoots back! - 08-04-2005

excpet iron in blood is part of molecule, and not in metallic bonding, hence not really a great conductor. Water itself will not conduct, however free-floating ions "hanging about, chilling, having a beer" (for example, sodium and chloride ions in salt water) will conduct, as they're able to flow freely throughout the liquid in which they are suspended. That's why blood conducts much better than skin, and why skin is more conductive when sweaty (it's not the skin which conducts better, it's the sweat).

mirv the Silly Fish.
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