Originally Posted by JayBaen
You might be interested to know that I get the same sets of problems (noted above) when running with the latest version of AMX mod (v.99) and MetaMod 1.7.1.
So, it's not specifically related to AMXx.
Yes - I tried also with AMX 0.9.8 and got the same wrong results with stats. But - what I saw during my latest tests:
1. Some stats from stats.amx or statsx.amx doesn't work at he player connected in the automatically kicked bot.
2. Some stats from miscstats.amx reported for example "[POD]Rambo (100) made a headshot on [P0D]Roger (100)" instead "KWo made a headshot..." (KWo joined team CT and Rambo wasn't in the game because of the auto-kick...)
3. After joining by me to CT in one test some T Bot was kicked and after this ATAC plugin was totally wrong with interpretation of TA and TK (because AMX or AMX X were thinked some T bot (this one kicked automatically at my joining) attaccked some CT bots).
4. I tried all of this with ClanMod and StatsMe and I didn't see any problem with registering a new player in the game by these plugins - all was working OK - all stats and functions were working OK.
All here described above (and something more) I reported to AMX X team by some PM. There is also some man from Poland (like me), so I think he will look at this problem once again
. He even asked me about source code of podbot2.6mm, because he wanted know how in one frame we add/kick some bot at player joining/droping. Seems like exactly with this function AMX and AMX X have some problem, because there isn't correctly recognised connecting/droping a new player.
If somebody is interested, there is available the new version of metamod (1.17.1p9). This is some non-official release. I don't know if we can recommend it or not - need some expert to say us something in this topic.
Use it for Your-own risk...