Please read the descriptions in case there are known bugs or warnings.
If you find any bugs or have issues on bot behavior in certain areas please let me know and I'll look at how to waypoint that area better.
[Web Designer][Waypointer][Gamer]
CFE Games Administrator [CFE]
[Never Trust the Untrusted]
Please read the descriptions in case there are known bugs or warnings.
If you find any bugs or have issues on bot behavior in certain areas please let me know and I'll look at how to waypoint that area better.
Thanks a lot. I'll play the maps and watch for any strange bot behavior.
The maps play pretty good overall. There were some minor issues on frantic but I was able to sort them out myself as they were very small and easy to fix.
If you don't mind, I have 2 final way point requests. Both are also in the map pack.
de_inferno_old: Smaller and older version of inferno
cs_siege_b6: Siege at nighttime.
Pretty sure that'll be all for now but I'll bookmark the thread in case things change. That should be everything, however. as_residentevil_siege sounds pretty interesting too. I'll give it a try.