LOL, ebaumsworld, ahh, I remember when I first discovered that site n' got those GI Joe public service announcements, lol... btw, if you havn't seen them, or don't have the full set? get them NOW. They have to take them down soon as matel wants all GI Joe PSA's taken off the net for copyrights violations...
and as for webgames? my fav is
www.pokerroom.com lol, I'm gettin' good at it, like, I've gotten 3 royal flushes, and a bunch of full houses with 10 and 8's high... those 2 are my lucky cards. Once I went to a no limit texas hold em table, n' went all in 1st hand, n' lost it all (like 1.6k of fake money, hey, I'm just messin' around, i'm not retarded enough to lose all my real money
) and then, I know how Matt Damon felt like, on that movie, "Rounders." lol, from top of the game, to broke... now, to make my comeback to the top.
BTW, my username on that's ThE_MarD, so if you wanna play some Texas Hold-em' poker $5-$10 tables with a familiar BU dude, then search for me, cause I'm always up for some poker.