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Sands-of-War 1.3 RELEASED!
Project Leader, Lead Level Designer, Waypointer
Status: Offline
Posts: 337
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Denmark
Default Sands-of-War 1.3 RELEASED! - 18-09-2004

Yep, you can download it now! Click on Sands-of-War in the files section and then click on Sands-of-War 1.3. If you are upgrading from 1.2 you will only need Sands-of-War 1.3 patch.

Download Sands-of-War HERE: http://www.sandsofwar.simgames.net/sow.php

Please spread the word to as many as possible!

We are also in need of servers - especially dedicated. Please open a server if possible.

We have worked hard on Sands-of-War 1.3 so we can bring you our longest changelist - ever!

- New map: SoW_riyaq
- Updated map: SoW_nbz
*New CoDe spawn, spawn protection and better textures
- Updated map: SoW_hangar
*Replaced crates with real detail, added structures and trees to the desert,
fixed basement flag exploit and improved Aim spawn.
- Manual!
- Majorly improved LQ versions of all weapons. Huge performance gains!
- MP3 entity!
- New skin for the PSG1.
- Added mapcycling
- Updated sow.fgd to version 1.15
*Added support for mp3 playing entity, fixed door blocking,
removed unused classes, changed some standard values and descriptions,
added 3 new game entities
- Slowed down sprinting
- When changing team you only die if you aren't allready dead.
- Changed so it says "1 player" in teaminfo instead of "Players: 1".
- New way of showing the flags on the HUD
- Instead of "0" in latency it now says "Host".
- Entity respawn! (breakables still don't reset).
- Removed health and armor from backpacks
- Removed "new game" option in Steam
- Replaced the ugly crosshairs
- Crosshairs are smaller and has a better rendering mode
- Minor updates to title.txt
- Added "\n" (end line) to some error/console messages.
- Flag capture gives 1 flag instead of 2 frags
- Delay before reseting the game after every flag has been captured (mp_newrounddelay)
- Freeze time when all flags have been captured and all players have respawned (mp_freezetime)
- When selecting team you can no longer select to be spectator by pressing '6'
- Delay when proning before you can deprone again.
- You can now zoom with the OICW (secondary fire).
- Moved the weaponbox away from the radar.
- Warehouse and Tigris did not meet the high SoW standards and have therefore been removed

Bug fixes:
- Fixed eye position on Walther
- Fixed loading SoW_desertmines
- Fixed missing sprite for SoW_tigris
- Fixed a bug related to being stuck when spawning
- Autoassign team now works.
- Team specific weapon models are now all selected acording to team instead of class.
- Now you don't drain stamina, when you push the sprint key, unless you're moving.
- Removed unused flag and map models
- Removed crosshair on PSG 1 while not zooming
- Bound classmenu and selectteam to "o" and "p" as default
- Fixed file extension for Desertmines info text.
- Fixed invisible tripmine laser
- The dead will now rest in peace (no more spinning corpses)
- Removed Infrared from key bindings, as it dont exist in SoW
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