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View Poll Results: do you think the music industry's anti-piracy campaign will have any effect ?
Definitely yes. That's becoming scary. 3 15.00%
Prolly not. It won't stop people to download their tunes. 16 80.00%
I don't know. Where can I download the latest [insert your favourite band name here] ? 1 5.00%
Voters: 20. You may not vote on this poll

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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
One Eyed Freak
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 05-05-2004

hmm.. maybe im only going to share movies in the future.. my collection 4008 mp3z isnt that big anyway..
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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 05-05-2004

I personally think the music industry is making one of the biggest mistakes of all:


Seriously, the only reason why I would download music (which i dont do obviously, so i can not be held liable) is because it REFUSE to pay 40 € for a double CD sampler that cost maybe 0.1 cents in the acutal cd production and about 100.000 € in artist fees (if that).

That is unacceptable. If they would sell the same sampler for, uhm lets say 5 €, i wouldnt bother downloading those songs just for the sake of having a pretty cover / proper CD - Case.

Furthermore, industry has to realize that people no longer want to have CD nowadays. What tehy really want (thats the trend at least) is a legal, cheap, organized way of getting music over the net for REASONABLE prices. 10 cents per song would be reasonable.

I dont know, i get really worked up about these things.


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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
One Eyed Freak
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 05-05-2004

very true.. the also say they have lost cd buyers since the download ERA started. but if you chech fact they sell more now then ever..
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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
Pierre-Marie Baty
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 06-05-2004

Where did you take this info ? From what I've heard it's quite the contrary, they would be selling 25% less than the past years...

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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
One Eyed Freak
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 06-05-2004

thats what the music industry says.. its a quite common subject where i live.. so i heard it more then twice.. think once on tv..
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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 06-05-2004

thie music industry ( big label fuckers ) are fighting a battle they cant win... theirs no way to stop the internet its growing so fast... and with connection speeds only going to get faster and faster... how r they gonna stop people from d/l the lastest maybe next gen .mp3s ???

MIRC 4 LIFE !!!!! lol
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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
>BKA< T Wrecks
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 07-05-2004

I agree. They are trying to win a race, but they cannot possibly be as fast as the ones they chase. How long did it take till they finally closed down Napster? And how many P2P proggies have emerged in the meantime? Not to mention web-based MP3 sites... you could post files there by channeling your browser / ftp client through a chain of anonymous SOCKS proxy servers in countries that don't collaborate with the US (for that's where 90% of the pressure on illegal copying comes from) - and then imagine this site has one or two gateways that point to the actual pages, which move every 2-3 days. And then several hundreds of such sites online... how are they gonna control that? Not to mention IRC clients and a source that's often forgotten but very hard to shut off - newsgroups.
Even if they get one site - the trial takes months, and in the meantime, what will happen? They're fighting hard, but they'd better get accustomed to the insight that they're fighting a Hydra... their only effective weapon is intimidation, and as PMB showed, they're willing to use this weapon more and more. Still, you can't intimidate everyone...

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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
Pierre-Marie Baty
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 07-05-2004

not everyone yes, but when a ridiculous small amount of people get caught and heavily fined, chances are that an inversely comparable ridiculously great amount of people will stop downloading not to be the next one.

Because *who* is downloading anyway ?

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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
One Eyed Freak
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 07-05-2004

Originally Posted by Pierre-Marie Baty
Because *who* is downloading anyway ?

one eyed pirates?
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Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all
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Default Re: 'big cigar' guys not smiling at all - 08-05-2004

they started crackin down on peeps in The US. fining the hell outta them but it wont stop meh

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