Yeah, mistakes... I just d/l'ed your fixed WP and installed the recent version, having finished my custom map WP pack. I just went to as_tundra to check the new camp waypoints... but bots didn't camp there very much.
However, I noticed that you changed access to that ladder leading down to the tunnel in the CT building - you made the upper ladder WP higher, and now bots don't get down that way! They don't shoot at least two of those wooden boards - and if they only shoot one, they get stuck there...
And you forgot to fix the connections that lead over that narrow ledge between the two large rocks on the CT side of the map... both not very important things, but still... even if you hate the map...
In contrast to other persons, I won't tell you: " :RTFM: " now, but I do have the impression that this time you might have been a tad TOO quick...
Oh, and I sure hope that despite not being paid, you can still afford a cool beer once in a while - or shall we start sending CARE packages to you? We could found W.I.N - "Waypointers In Need" and have beer, babes and bourbon shipped to you...
'tis a pity nowaday noboy wants to finance things that help those who most need it - bad times, bad times...