Thread: Amxbot
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Re: Amxbot
AMX Dev Team
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Default Re: Amxbot - 08-05-2005

Taken from client.cpp:


Return 1 if the entity state has been filled in for the ent and the entity will be propagated to the client, 0 otherwise

state is the server maintained copy of the state info that is transmitted to the client
a MOD could alter values copied into state to send the "host" a different look for a particular entity update, etc.
e and ent are the entity that is being added to the update, if 1 is returned
host is the player's edict of the player whom we are sending the update to
player is 1 if the ent/e is a player and 0 otherwise
pSet is either the PAS or PVS that we previous set up. We can use it to ask the engine to filter the entity against the PAS or PVS.
we could also use the pas/ pvs that we set in SetupVisibility, if we wanted to. Caching the value is valid in that case, but still only for the current frame.

But like I explained to KWo, you can set it inside that function so that for example:

A = a seeable entity

Everyone can see A by default
You can modify the setting so only 1 person can see A

Last edited by T(+)rget; 08-05-2005 at 18:51..
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