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Re: I'm switching over to Linux, got some q's
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Default Re: I'm switching over to Linux, got some q's - 31-01-2004

If you are just getting started with UNIX/LINUX
"LINUX in a Nutshell" is a must.
ISBN 0-596-00482-6

They are wise enough to break the commands down by general area like File management, Communication, programming, system status, etc.

So you get an overall road map of everything before you jump in and get totally confused with all of the awkwardly named commands.

Start with one area first until you have it down, like File Management for example. It will save you much trouble later. Plan on it taking some time. Don't expect to have LINUX installed and be building your apps in a day or two...

I would start with File Management then I would learn a shell and a text editor next. THEN I would try to start getting things done. It can be too frustrating otherwise.

Just simple things like knowing how to do command redos and editing is really helpful to know first.

Good choice going LINUX! I was on UNIX in the days if HP-UX, IBM AIX, SO... but have been away from it for a while. Iam righ tbehind you and will go Ret Hat since I will have commercial Web sites and want the support and automatic updates. Plus I don't mind "donating" some back to the community to help ward off folks like MS+SCO who are really trying their best to eliminate or at the lest cause as much trouble as possible for the free people of the world..

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE what happens in the next few years as L CONTINUES to take OVER THE WORLD!

Last edited by Austin; 31-01-2004 at 02:17..
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