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Re: Joebots making amxmod to stop running
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Default Re: Joebots making amxmod to stop running - 02-05-2004

Originally Posted by Terran
Why do you think AMX is not running? Have you tried "rcon meta list" and "rcon amx list"?

There is a bug when you use AMX and any bot at the same time. After some connects and disconnects AMX gets confused about who is playing at the server and players joining the game aren't recognized anymore. This usualy get's temporarily fixed after a mapchange or a restart - till some connects and disconnects...
I know its not running when: 1st welcome message is not showing,, saying admin priv. accepted, 2nd after i connected and in the game, i can't do any amx command even client side.

And you're right thats exactly whats goes back when map changes. I have my mp_timelimit to 30, so i have to wait 30 mins for amx to start again.......thats why I want to find a fix for it.

Only time amx will keep running and not turn off is if i turn joebot off in the plugin.ini file.
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