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Advanced Command Menu 0.1
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Default Advanced Command Menu 0.1 - 10-07-2004

// Command Menu definition
// Basic Format:
//  "<Bound Key>" "<Button Text>" "<Command sent to server>"
// Buttons can also open up submenus, as follows:
// {
//  "Some More Options",
// {
//  ...
// }
// }
// Buttons preceded with "CUSTOM" are handled in special ways. They can only be moved
// around or deleted.
// Limitations:
//  Maximum of 40 menus.
//  Maximum of 100 buttons per menu.
// Everything below here is editable
//rcon commands for joebot

"1" "endround" "rcon joebot endround"
"2" "add bots"
 "1" "fill server" "rcon joebot fillserver all full"
 "2" "fill ct" "rcon joebot fillserver ct half"
 "3" "fill te" "rcon joebot fillserver te half"
 "4" "one ct" "rcon joebot addbot 2 5"
 "5" "one te" "rcon joebot addbot 1 5"
"3" "kick bots"
 "2" "all bots" "rcon joebot kickbots all"
 "3" "all ct" "rcon joebot kickbots ct"
 "4" "all te" "rcon joebot kickbots te"
 "5" "one ct" "rcon joebot kickbot ct"
 "6" "one te" "rcon joebot kickbot te"
"4" "settings"
 "1" "shoot"
  "1" "on" "rcon joebot botshoot on"
  "2" "off" "rcon joebot botshoot off"
 "2" "pistol only"
  "1" "on" "rcon joebot pistolonly on"
  "2" "off" "rcon joebot pistolonly off"
 "3" "camping"
  "1" "default" "rcon joebot campposs 2"
  "2" "none" "rcon joebot campposs 100"
  "3" "medium" "rcon joebot campposs 50"
  "4" "heavy" "rcon joebot campposs 0"
 "4" "chat"
  "1" "on" "rcon joebot botchat on"
  "2" "off" "rcon joebot botchat off"
 "5" "interactive chat"
  "1" "off" "rcon joebot bot_ichat off"
  "2" "dead" "rcon joebot bot_ichat dead"
  "3" "alive" "rcon joebot bot_ichat alive"
  "4" "all" "rcon joebot bot_ichat all"
 "6" "say enemy down"
  "1" "on" "rcon joebot edown on"
  "2" "off" "rcon joebot edown off"
 "7" "name extension"
  "1" "show (skill) suffix"
   "1" "on" "rcon joebot extskill on"
   "2" "off" "rcon joebot extskill off"
  "2" "show [JOE] prefix"
   "1" "on" "rcon joebot extjoe on"
   "2" "off" "rcon joebot extjoe off"
 "8" "use radio"
  "1" "on" "rcon joebot botuseradio on"
  "2" "off" "rcon joebot botuseradio off"
 "8" "use spraypaints"
  "1" "on" "rcon joebot botspray on"
  "2" "off" "rcon joebot botspray off"
"5" "number of bots"
 "1" "min"
  "1" "0" "rcon joebot min_bots 0"
  "2" "2" "rcon joebot min_bots 2"
  "3" "4" "rcon joebot min_bots 4"
  "4" "8" "rcon joebot min_bots 8"
 "1" "max"
  "1" "0" "rcon joebot max_bots 0"
  "2" "8" "rcon joebot max_bots 8"
  "3" "16" "rcon joebot max_bots 16"
  "4" "32" "rcon joebot max_bots 32"
"6" "random names"
 "1" "on" "rcon joebot mix_names on"
 "2" "off" "rcon joebot mix_names off"
"7" "randomize waypoints" "rcon joebot randomwpload"
"8" "resets statistics" "rcon joebot resetstat"
"9" "waypoint commands" "rcon say Do not mess around with this function!"
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