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Re: Why bots get stuck in each other?
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Location: Russian Federation
Default Re: Why bots get stuck in each other? - 21-02-2011

Originally Posted by The Storm
Too bad that so many years even Valve with their CSBot didn't suspected that this is the problem
The official CS bot doesn't use these variables!
The official bot uses only "*bot" key value - that's all!!!
Originally Posted by The Storm
By the mean "deleting these lines" are you saying that we should unset them for the bot like that:
At bot creation his client_t structure is nulled:
Q_memset(fakeclient, 0, sizeof (client_t));
(structure client_t contains values of variables cl and lw) - so, values of these variables are always equal 0

ADDED: bonus
edict_t *PF_CreateFakeClient_I (const char *netName)
	client_t *fakeclient (NULL);
	int index;

	for (index = 0; index < svs.maxclients; ++index)
		fakeclient = &svs.clients[index];

		if (!fakeclient->active && !fakeclient->spawned && !fakeclient->connected)

	if (index == svs.maxclients)
		return NULL;	// server is full

	edict_t *const fakeclientEdict = EDICT_NUM (index + 1);

	if (fakeclient->frames != NULL)
		SV_ClearFrames (fakeclient->frames);

	// Wipe the client structure
	Q_memset (fakeclient, 0, 0x5008u);

	// Set up client structure.
	fakeclient->UNKNOWN10_resource.pPrev = &fakeclient->UNKNOWN10_resource;
	fakeclient->UNKNOWN10_resource.pNext = &fakeclient->UNKNOWN10_resource;
	fakeclient->UNKNOWN9_resource.pPrev = &fakeclient->UNKNOWN9_resource;
	fakeclient->UNKNOWN9_resource.pNext = &fakeclient->UNKNOWN9_resource;

	Q_strncpy (fakeclient->name, netName, 32);

	fakeclient->active = true;
	fakeclient->spawned = true;
	fakeclient->UNKNOWN0 = true;
	fakeclient->connected = true;
	fakeclient->fakeclient = true;
	fakeclient->userid = g_userid++;
	fakeclient->name[31] = '\0';
	fakeclient->UNKNOWN1 = 0;
	fakeclient->edict = fakeclientEdict;
	fakeclientEdict->netname = fakeclient->name - pr_strings;
	fakeclientEdict->pContainingEntity = fakeclientEdict;
	fakeclientEdict->flags = FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT;
	Info_SetValueForKey (fakeclient->userinfo, "name", netName, 256);
	Info_SetValueForKey (fakeclient->userinfo, "model", "gordon", 256);
	Info_SetValueForKey (fakeclient->userinfo, "topcolor", "1", 256);
	Info_SetValueForKey (fakeclient->userinfo, "bottomcolor", "1", 256);
	fakeclient->sendinfo = true;

	SV_ExtractFromUserinfo (fakeclient);	// parse some info from the info strings

	fakeclient->steamID = ISteamGameServer_CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection ();
	fakeclient->UNKNOWN7_connectionInformation.UNKNOWN0_typeOrStatus = 1;

	ISteamGameServer_BUpdateUserData (fakeclient->steamID, netName, 0);

	return fakeclientEdict;

Last edited by Immortal_BLG; 21-02-2011 at 11:29..
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