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Problem Compiling in Borland, and in MinGW
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Default Problem Compiling in Borland, and in MinGW - 31-01-2004

Hi, i've coded the HPB_Bot in MSVC++ in College many times, but developement is very slow when you can only compile/test once a day. So i tried compiling on the MinGW compile ( My normal compiler ). It was not exporting GiveFnptrsToDll properly, so i changed it and got it to export properly. But now when i try loading a game in good old deathmatch, it crashes. I get no error messages, and windows doesn't know what module has the "illegal operation". So, i downloaded BCC 5.5, and compiled an unmodified HBP_Bot source, after a slight modification in linkfunc.cpp, i got it to compile rather smoothly. Only problem is, i still have the crashing problem when i try loading up deathmatch. The HL version i'm using is, NO STEAM. I know the problem is not with the HPB_Bot version of the source, because it works fine if i compile with MSVC++ or MSV.NET. Has anyone had this problem, and if so, do you know how to fix it?
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