Thread: Venice Update?
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Re: Venice Update?
ET Waypointing team member
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Default Re: Venice Update? - 09-03-2007

While I agree that no person should re-issue another mapper's work as a new map variant without their permission, simply issuing the packed variant script file creates issues for us in Fritzbot maintenance. It is not our intent to support multiple script files for the same map in Fritzbot. Mal did not add special features, and while a console command exists to run a differently named script file for debugging I have not heard of anyone using it for game administration.

We modify a script file in Fritzbot after much testing and consideration as to the bots' limitations. My WIP in lighthouse for example, to add one more point of entry reflects my consideration of how bots fare poorly in steep vertical fights. By adding a ground level option Balance is improved. These script changes are consequently only released for use in Fritzbot.
If we have to support multiple script files the testing for balance increases, the scripts have to be packed separately and people have to be told to NOT install them automatically. Hopefully rockstar will see the light and acquire the rights before we react in our community to what might be an ET no go.

BTW. if you are interested the aforementioned command is g_scriptname <scriptfilename> and it might be possible to set it in a map cycle config file. However Fritzbot will still use the original nav and aiscript so the problem for maintenance remains.

Last edited by TomTom; 09-03-2007 at 10:44..
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